Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Giménez Esteban, Gregorio Gaudioso
Departamento: Departamento de Economía Aplicada
Área: Economía Aplicada
Centro: Facultad de Economía y Empresa

Grupo: S44_23R: Sector Exterior e Integración Monetaria (SEIM)

Tramos de investigación
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 08/03/21. (2)
  • Agencia de Calidad y Prospectiva Universitaria de Aragón. 02/07/18
  • Agencia de Calidad y Prospectiva Universitaria de Aragón. 30/06/09
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.
Página web:
ORCID: 0000-0003-3702-4017

Líneas de investigación
  • Educación
  • Economía
  • Desarrollo económico
* My research is principally focused on education, studying how factors like social development, violence, or educational inputs as new technologies determine academic success. The gender perspective is fundamental in these studies. My research has been published in books, book chapters and articles. Of these, 26 articles in Web of Science JCR journals, 7 are Q1 and 7 Q2, 6 of which are in journals positioned in the first decile.
* Regarding the factors analyzed, we have worked with teachers, the use of new technologies and the learning environment. Within the environment, we paid special attention to violence, both within schools (analyzed through bullying) and outside them (approximated by crime variables, such as the homicide rate or drug trafficking). The results suggest that the association between school results and teacher quality is positive and significant, the use of new technologies has no clear association with academic results, and violence in and around school is associated with worse results. We have found that males are more likely to be bullied in school than females and that bullied males score less than bullied females in mathematics.
* On the methodological side, the research statistically relates school results and educational factors through models at three levels: student, school, and country. We have also used non-parametric analysis to determine the proportion of variance explained by the different factors.
* We have studied the cases of Spain, Latin American countries, and international samples that included a large number of developed and developing countries.
* My leadership capacity is evidenced by the number of co-authorships I have carried out with my doctoral students. In addition, I maintain regular collaborations with foreign researchers and have published co-authored articles with authors from prestigious international universities such as Cambridge, Saint Petersburg, Charles U. in Prague, Verona, Montana, Costa Rica, Cordoba, Nac. de Costa Rica, Nac. de Quilmes and Javeriana.
* The research has been funded by research projects, being the principal investigator in several of them.
* In knowledge transfer, since 2003, I have been a founding partner of the Nexius consulting firm. The company regularly carries out contracts with the public and private sectors. My knowledge transfer work also translates into scientific dissemination collaborations with entities such as Ibercaja or Ecoper.
* As for my contributions to the training of young researchers, I have supervised four doctoral theses, published in the form of 12 scientific articles in journals in the Web of Science database.
* I am a member of the editorial board of Economía y Sociedad, Green and Low-Carbon Economy journals. I have been editor of Special Issues in the journals Frontiers in Psychology and Mathematics, both ranked Q1 in the Web of Science.
* I am a frequent researcher, visiting professor and lecturer in different international research centers, having made more than fifteen stays.

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