- Österle, Benjamin; Herrando, Carolina; Köpsel, Anne; Kuhn, Marc. “Business-to-Business-to-Brain?” Reviewing Neuroscience Research in B2B-Marketing Using TCCM Analysis. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETING. 2024. DOI: 10.1080/1051712X.2024.2380671
- Fehrenbach, David; Herrando, Carolina; Martín-de Hoyos, María José. Co-creation with AI in B2B markets: A systematic literature review. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2024. DOI: 10.3390/su16188009
- Fandos-Herrera, Carmina; Herrando, Carolina; Jiménez Martínez, Julio; Pina, José Miguel. Discuss to learn: a student-focused learning strategy. EDUCATION AND TRAINING. 2023. DOI: 10.1108/ET-02-2022-0049
- Fraj-Andrés, E.; Herrando, C.; Lucia-Palacios, L.; Pérez-López, R. Informative initiatives as a useful tool to raise awareness of food waste. An application to higher education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION. 2023. DOI: 10.1108/ijshe-03-2022-0103
- Herrando, C.; Jiménez Martínez, J.; Martín de Hoyos, M. J.; Asakawa, K.; Yana, K. Emotional responses in online social interactions: the mediating role of flow. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING AND LOGISTICS. 2023. DOI: 10.1108/APJML-02-2022-0091
- Fraj-Andrés, Elena; Herrando, Carolina; Lucia-Palacios, Laura; Pérez-López, Raúl. Intention versus behaviour: integration of theories to help curb food waste among young Spanish consumers. BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL. 2023. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-09-2021-1042
- Herrando, Carolina; Martín-de Hoyos, María José. Influencer endorsement posts and their effects on advertising attitudes and purchase intentions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES. 2022. DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.12785
- Jenneboer, L.; Herrando, C.; Constantinides, E. The Impact of Chatbots on Customer Loyalty: A Systematic Literature Review. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/jtaer17010011
- Herrando, Carolina; Jiménez-Martínez, Julio; Martín-de Hoyos, María José; Constantinides, Efthymios. Emotional contagion triggered by online consumer reviews: Evidence from a neuroscience study. JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2022.102973
- Schrotenboer, D.; Constantinides, E.; Herrando, C.; Vries, S. The effects of Omni-Channel retailing on promotional strategy. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/jtaer17020019
- Fraj-Andrés, Elena; Herrando, Carolina; Lucia-Palacios, Laura; Pérez-López, Raúl. Students apprehension and affective inertia in a Twitter-based activity: Evidence from students of an economics degree. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijme.2022.100683
- Hemker, S.; Herrando, C.; Constantinides, E. The transformation of data marketing: How an ethical lens on consumer data collection shapes the future of marketing. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2021. DOI: 10.3390/su132011208
- Herrando, C.; Constantinides, E. Emotional contagion: a brief overview and future directions. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2021. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.712606
- Herrando C.; Jiménez-Martínez J.; Martín-de Hoyos M.J. The mediated effect of social presence on social commerce WOM behavior. INFORMATION (SWITZERLAND). 2021. DOI: 10.3390/info12120498
- Dubbelink, S. I.; Herrando, C.; Constantinides, E. Social Media Marketing as a branding strategy in extraordinary times: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2021. DOI: 10.3390/su131810310
- Fehrenbach, D.; Herrando, C. The effect of customer-perceived value when paying for a product with personal data: A real-life experimental study. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.08.029
- Perez-Lopez, R.; Gurrea-Sarasa, R.; Herrando, C.; Martin-de Hoyos, M.J.; Bordonaba-Juste, V.; Utrillas Acerete, A. The generation of student engagement as a cognition-affect-behaviour process in a Twitter learning experience. AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY. 2020. DOI: 10.14742/ajet.5751
- Wang, Y.; Herrando, C. Does privacy assurance on social commerce sites matter to millennials?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2018.10.016
- Herrando, C.; Jimenez-Martinez, J.; Martin-de Hoyos, M.J. Social commerce users'' optimal experience: stimuli, response and culture. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 2019
- Herrando, C.; Jimenez-Martinez, J.; Martin-de Hoyos, M.J. Tell me your age and I tell you what you trust: the moderating effect of generations. INTERNET RESEARCH. 2019. DOI: 10.1108/IntR-03-2017-0135
- Herrando, C.; Jiménez-Martínez, J.; Martín-de Hoyos, M.J. The state of flow in social commerce: The importance of flow consciousness. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MARKETING AND RETAILING. 2018. DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2018.094987
- Herrando, C.;Jiménez-Martínez, J.;Martín-de Hoyos, M.J. Surfing or Flowing? How to retain e-Customers on the Internet. SPANISH JOURNAL OF MARKETING - ESIC. 2018. DOI: 10.1108/SJME-03-2018-006
- Herrando, C.; Jimenez-Martinez, J.; Martin de Hoyos, M.J. From sPassion to sWOM: The role of flow. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 2018. DOI: 10.1108/OIR-09-2016-0243
- Fondevila, J.F.; Herrando, C.; Beriain, A.; del Olmo, J.L. Social media y comercio electrónico. Pinterest como nueva herramienta comunicacional. DOXA COMUNICACION. 2016
- Herrando, C.;Jiménez-Martínez, J.;Martín-de Hoyos, M. J. Passion at first sight: how to engage users in social commerce contexts. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10660-016-9251-6
- "Business-to-Business-to-Brain?” A Structured Literature Review on Neuroscience in B2B-Marketing Using TCCM Analysis: An Abstract. Herrando, C.; Kuhn, M.M.; Köpsel, A.; Österle, B. OPTIMISTIC MARKETING IN CHALLENGING TIMES: SERVING EVER-SHIFTING CUSTOMER NEEDS. 2023
- Affective Interaction with Technology: The Role of Virtual Assistants in Interactive Marketing. Calahorra-Candao, G.; Herrando, C.; Martín-De Hoyos, M.J. THE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING. 2023
- Realidad aumentada y redes sociales en el aula como medio para motivar el aprendizaje activo y colaborativo del alumno. Bordonaba Juste, Mª Victoria; Fraj Andrés, Elena; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Herrando Soria, Carolina; Martín de Hoyos, Mª José; Pérez López, Raúl; Utrillas Acerete, Ana. BUENAS PRÁCTICAS EN LA DOCENCIA UNIVERSITARIA CON APOYO DE TIC. EXPERIENCIAS EN 2018. 2019
- The role of active and passive s-WOM: Does participation affect loyalty?. Jiménez Martínez, Julio Antonio ; Herrando, Carolina ; Martín-De Hoyos, María José ; Asakawa, Kiyoshi ; Yana, Kazuo MARKETING INSIGHTS: LA RESPUESTA DEL COMERCIO A LAS TENDENCIAS DE COMPORTAMIENTO SOCIAL DEL CONSUMIDOR. 2017
- Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University. Stuttgart. Alemania. 01/06/24 - 31/07/24
- Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University. Stuttgart. Alemania. 01/06/23 - 31/07/23
- Twente University, BMS LAB. Enschede. Holanda. 15/09/18 - 17/12/18
- Estancia de Investigación en Marketing Center Münster de la Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität. Münster. Alemania. 01/04/17 - 30/06/17
- Estancia de Investigación en Hosei University, Tokyo. Tokyo. Japón. 01/04/16 - 30/09/16
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses