Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel
Departamento: Departamento de Dirección de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados
Área: Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados
Centro: Facultad de Economía y Empresa

Grupo: S20_23R: METODO
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.

  • Secretaria Comisión Estudios de Másteres



  • Barta, Sergio; Gurrea, Raquel; Flavián, Carlos. Augmented reality experiences: Consumer-centered augmented reality framework and research agenda. PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING. 2024. DOI: 10.1002/mar.22143

  • Barta, Sergio; Gurrea, Raquel; Flavián, Carlos. Consequences of consumer regret with online shopping. JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103332

  • Barta, Sergio; Gurrea, Raquel; Flavián, Carlos. Telepresence in live-stream shopping: an experimental study comparing Instagram and the metaverse. ELECTRONIC MARKETS. 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s12525-023-00643-6

  • Barta, S.; Gurrea, R.; Flavián, C. How augmented reality increases engagement through its impact on risk and the decision process. CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING. 2023. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2022.0087

  • Barta, Sergio; Gurrea, Raquel; Flavián, Carlos. The double side of flow in regret and product returns: maximizers versus satisficers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2023.102648

  • Barta, S.; Gurrea, R.; Flavián, C. Using augmented reality to reduce cognitive dissonance and increase purchase intention. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2022.107564

  • Anía Melón, M.P.; Fandos-Herrera, C.; Gurrea Sarasa, R. Analysis of antecedents and consequences of memorable tourist experiences (MTEs): A Spanish case study. JOURNAL OF VACATION MARKETING. 2021. DOI: 10.1177/1356766720987879

  • Barta, S.; Flavian, C.; Gurrea, R. Managing consumer experience and online flow: Differences in handheld devices vs PCs. TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2020.101525

  • Flavian, C.; Gurrea, R.; Orús, C. Mobile word of mouth (m-WOM): analysing its negative impact on webrooming in omnichannel retailing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT. 2020. DOI: 10.1108/IJRDM-05-2020-0169

  • Flavián, Carlos; Gurrea, Raquel; Orús, Carlos. Combining channels to make smart purchases: The role of webrooming and showrooming. JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.101923

  • Perez-Lopez, R.; Gurrea-Sarasa, R.; Herrando, C.; Martin-de Hoyos, M.J.; Bordonaba-Juste, V.; Utrillas Acerete, A. The generation of student engagement as a cognition-affect-behaviour process in a Twitter learning experience. AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY. 2020. DOI: 10.14742/ajet.5751

  • Flavián, Carlos; Gurrea, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. Feeling Confident and Smart with Webrooming: Understanding the Consumer's Path to Satisfaction. JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.intmar.2019.02.002

  • Orús, C.; Gurrea, R.; Ibáñez-Sánchez, S. The impact of consumers’ positive online recommendations on the omnichannel webrooming experience. SPANISH JOURNAL OF MARKETING - ESIC. 2019. DOI: 10.1108/SJME-08-2019-0067

  • Flavian, C.; Gurrea, R.; Orus, C. The influence influence of online product presentation videos on persuasion and purchase channel preference: The role of imagery fluency and need for touch. TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.tele.2017.07.002

  • Flavian, C.; Gurrea, R.; Orus, C. Choice confidence in the webrooming purchase process: The impact of online positive reviews and the motivation to touch. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR. 2016. DOI: 10.1002/cb.1585

  • Flavian, C.; Gurrea, R.; Orus, C. The Impact of Recommendations on the Cross-Channel Shopping Behavior. DEVELOPMENTS IN MARKETING SCIENCE: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29877-1_60

  • Orús, C.;Gurrea, R.;Flavián, C. Facilitating imaginations through online product presentation videos: effects on imagery fluency, product attitude and purchase intention. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10660-016-9250-7

  • Orús, C.; Barlés, M. J.; Belanche, D.; Casaló, L.; Fraj, E.; Gurrea, R. The effects of learner-generated videos for YouTube on learning outcomes and satisfaction. COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.01.007

  • Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. El papel de la vivacidad de la información online, la necesidad de tocar y la auto-confianza en la búsqueda de información online-offline. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE MARKETING ESIC. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.004

  • Gurrea,R.;Orús,C.;Flavián,C. The role of symbols signalling the product status on online users' information processing. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 2013. DOI: 10.1108/14684521311311603

  • Flavián,C.;Gurrea,R.;Orús,C. An Integrative Perspective of Online Foraging Behavior with Search Engines. PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING. 2012. DOI: 10.1002/mar.20568

  • Flavián-Blanco, C.;Gurrea-Sarasa, R. ;Orús-Sanclemente, C. Analyzing the emotional outcomes of the online search behavior with search engines. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 2011

  • Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. La atencio´n visual y el comportamiento en buscadores: Análisis experimental con eye-tracking. INVESTIGACIÓN Y MARKETING. 2011

  • Flavián Blanco, Carlos; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. Gender Differences Regarding the Product's Online Visual Representation: Impact on Satisfaction and Purchase Intention. ESIC MARKET. 2010

  • Flavian Blanco, C.;Gurrea Sarasa, R. ;Orus Sanclemente, C. Effects of visual and textual information in online product presentations: Looking for the best combination in website design. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 2010

  • Flavián Blanco, Carlos; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. The impact of online product presentation on consumers’ perceptions: An experimental analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF E-SERVICES AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS. 2009. DOI: 10.4018/jesma.2009070102

  • Flavián Blanco, Carlos; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. Web design: a key factor for the website success. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOG. 2009. DOI: 10.1108/13287260910955129

  • Flavian, C.;Gurrea,R. Digital Versus Traditional Newspapers Influences on Perceived Substitutability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKET RESEARCH. 2009

  • Flavián, Carlos;Gurrea,R.;Orús, Carlos. The Effect of Product Presentation Mode on the Perceived Content and Continent Quality of Web Sites. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 2009

  • Flavián, Carlos;Gurrea,R. Users' Motivations and Attitude Towards the Online Press. THE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER MARKETING. 2009

  • Flavián Blanco, Carlos; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. A heuristic evaluation of websites design for achieving the web success. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES AND STANDARDS. 2009. DOI: 10.1504/IJSS.2009.021664

  • Flavian, C.;Gurrea,R.;Orus,C. Analysing the Key Factors of Web Design: A Heuristic Evaluation. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2008

  • Flavián, C.;Gurrea,R. El Sector Periodístico Ante La Innovación Tecnológica: El Impacto De Internet. ESTUDIOS SOBRE CONSUMO. 2008

  • Flavian, C.;Gurrea,R. Reading Newspapers on the Internet: The Influence of Web Sites' Attributes. INTERNET RESEARCH. 2008

  • Flavian, C.;Gurrea,R. Perceived Substitutability between Digital and Physical Channels: The Case of Newspapers. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 2007

  • Flavian, C.;Gurrea,R. Analyzing the Influence of Websites Attributes on the Choice of Newspapers on the Internet. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2007

  • Flavián, C.;Gurrea,R. Duality of Newspaper Distribution Channels: An Analysis of Readers' Motivations. THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RETAIL, DISTRIBUTION AND CONSUMER RESEARCH. 2007

  • Flavian,C.;Guinaliu,M.;Gurrea,R. The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty. INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT. 2006

  • Gurrea Sarasa,Raquel;Flavián Blanco,Carlos;Jiménez Martínez,Julio. Prensa digital prensa tradicional: un análisis empírico del comportamiento del consumidor. INVESTIGACIÓN Y MARKETING. 2006

  • Flavián, C.; Guinalíu, M.; Gurrea, R. The influence of familiarity and usability on loyalty to online journalistic services: The role of user experience. JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2005.11.003

  • Flavian,Carlos;Gurrea,Raquel. The choice of digital newspapers: influence of reader goals and user experience. INTERNET RESEARCH. 2006

  • Jiménez Martínez, J.;Gurrea Sarasa, R.;Flavián Blanco, C. Periódicos electrónicos: ¿un complemento o una alternativa a la prensa tradicional?. ESTUDIOS SOBRE CONSUMO. 2006

  • Flavián Blanco, C. ;Gurrea Sarasa, R. El estudio del compotamiento del consumidor en un entorno virtual. ESTUDIOS SOBRE CONSUMO. 2004

  • Flavián Blanco, Carlos;Gurrea, Raquel. Nuevas perspectivas de la estrategía de marketing en un entorno virtual. REVISTA DE GESTIÓN PÚBLICA Y PRIVADA. 2004

  • Flavián, Carlos;Gurrea, Raquel. El soporte impreso frente al soporte digital en el negocio periodístico. Una posición canibalización de la oferta informativa o una oportunidad para ampliarla. ESIC MARKET. 2004

  • Flavián, Carlos;Gurrea, Raquel. El empleo de Internet como nuevo canal de distribución. Un análisis de sus principales ventajas e inconvenientes. DISTRIBUCIÓN Y CONSUMO. 2003


  • Barta, Sergio; Gurrea, Raquel; Flavián, Carlos. A View of Augmented Reality in the Beauty Industry from an Exploratory Perspective: Generations X and Z. SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-9268-0_48

  • Barta, S.; Flavián, M.; Gurrea, R. Influencer Marketing: How Social Presence Affects Followers’ Intentions. SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-33-4183-8_37


  • Decisiones sobre comunicación comercial: Grado en Marketing e Investigacion de Mercados. Raquel Gurrea Sarasa, Pilar Urquizu Samper. 2022

  • Decisiones sobre comunicación comercial: Grado en Marketing e Investigacion de Mercados. Raquel Gurrea Sarasa, Pilar Urquizu Samper. 2021

  • Decisiones sobre comunicación comercial: Grado en Marketing e Investigacion de Mercados. Raquel Gurrea Sarasa, Pilar Urquizu Samper. 2019

  • Decisiones sobre comunicación comercial: Grado en Marketing e Investigacion de Mercados. Raquel Gurrea Sarasa, Pilar Urquizu Samper. 2019

  • Decisiones sobre comunicación comercial: Grado en Marketing e Investigacion de Mercados. Raquel Gurrea Sarasa, Pilar Urquizu Samper. 2018

  • Decisiones sobre comunicación comercial: Grado en Márketing e Investigacion de Mercados. Raquel Gurrea Sarasa, Pilar Urquizu Samper. 2016

  • Decisiones sobre comunicación comercial: Grado en Márketing e Investigacion de Mercados. Raquel Gurrea Sarasa, Pilar Urquizu Samper. 2015

  • Carlos Flavián, Raquel Gurrea. Digital versus traditional newspapers: influences on perceived substitutability. 2009

  • Carlos Flavián, Raquel Gurrea. Reading newspapers on the Internet: the influence of web sites' attributes. 2008

  • Carlos Flavián Blanco [dir.] ... [et al.]. La promoción de la Expo 2008: redes virtuales y sociedad del conocimiento. 2007

  • Carlos Flavián, Raquel Gurrea. Consumer behavior in press sector: the influence of reasons for reading on the choice of digital channel. 2007

  • Carlos Flavián, Raquel Gurrea. Perceived substitutability between digital and physical channels: the case of newspapers. 2007

  • C. Flavián, M. Guinalíu, R. Gurrea. The influence of familiarity and usability on loyalty to online journalistic services: the role of user experience. 2006

  • Carlos Flavián Blanco ... [et al.]. Determinantes de la confianza del consumidor aragonés hacia la compra a través de Internet: un estudio confirmatorio del comportamiento de compra. 2006

  • Carlos Flavián, Miguel Guinalíu, Raquel Gurrea. The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty. 2006

  • Carlos Flavián, Raquel Gurrea. The choice of digital newspapers: influence of reader goals and user experience. 2006

  • Carmina Fandos, Carlos Flavián. Intrinsic and extrinsic quality attributes, loyalty and buying intention: an analysis for a PDO product. 2006

  • Decisiones sobre comunicación comercial: Grado en Marketing e Investigacion de Mercados. Raquel Gurrea Sarasa, Pilar Urquizu Samper. 0


  • A View of Augmented Reality in the Beauty Industry from an Exploratory Perspective: Generations X and Z. Barta, S; Gurrea, R; Flavián, C. MARKETING AND SMART TECHNOLOGIES. SMART INNOVATION, SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES. 2022

  • Influencer Marketing: How Social Presence Affects Followers’ Intentions. Barta Arroyos, Sergio; Flavián Lázaro, Marta; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel. MARKETING AND SMART TECHNOLOGIES. 2021

  • Realidad aumentada y redes sociales en el aula como medio para motivar el aprendizaje activo y colaborativo del alumno. Bordonaba Juste, Mª Victoria; Fraj Andrés, Elena; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Herrando Soria, Carolina; Martín de Hoyos, Mª José; Pérez López, Raúl; Utrillas Acerete, Ana. BUENAS PRÁCTICAS EN LA DOCENCIA UNIVERSITARIA CON APOYO DE TIC. EXPERIENCIAS EN 2018. 2019

  • Creación de un canal de YouTube para el aprendizaje en marketing: ventajas de la participación activa de los estudiantes. Orús Sanclemente, Carlos; Barlés Arizón, María José; Belanche Gracia, Daniel; Casaló Ariño, Luis Vicente; Fraj Andrés, Elena; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel. BUENAS PRÁCTICAS EN LA DOCENCIA UNIVERSITARIA CON APOYO DE TIC. EXPERIENCIAS EN 2014. 2015

  • La búsqueda de información multicanal en una secuencia online-offline: análisis de la experiencia del consumidor. Flavián Blanco, Carlos; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. ESTRATEGIAS DE DISTRIBUCIÓN Y COMPORTAMIENTO DE COMPRA MULTICANAL: TENDENCIAS Y OPORTUNIDADES PARA QUE FABRICANTE Y DISTRIBUIDOR RENTABILICEN SUS DECISIONES DE MARKETING. 2013

  • El papel del canal físico e Internet en la búsqueda de información multicanal. Flavián Blanco, Carlos; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. ESTRATEGIAS COMPETITIVAS EN CANALES DE DISTRIBUCIÓN COMERCIAL TRADICIONAL VERSUS ONLINE. 2011

  • La presentación del producto en el establecimiento virtual : impacto en las percepciones del consumidor. Flavián Blanco, Carlos; Gurrea Sarasa, Raquel; Orús Sanclemente, Carlos. DISTRIBUCIÓN COMERCIAL: ESTRATEGIAS PARA COMPETIR POR EL CONSUMIDOR. 2009

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