- Doghbri, Lamia; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Atigui, Moufida; Casao, Adriana; Peña-Delgado, Victoria; Seddik, Mabrouk-Mouldi; Dbara, Mohamed; Pérez-Pé, Rosaura; Hammadi, Mohamed. Melatonin in Male Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius) Seminal Plasma and Its Specific MT1 and MT2 Receptors on Sperm Membranes. ANIMALS. 2025. DOI: 10.3390/ani15010083
- Peña-Delgado, Victoria; Noya, Agustí; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Canto, Francisco; Sánchez, María Carmen; Letosa, Eva; Vicente, Antonio; Morato, Ignacio; Macías, Ángel; Abecia, José Alfonso; Casao, Adriana; Pérez-Pe, Rosaura. Genotyping of rams based on melatonin receptor 1A gene polymorphisms: a tool in sire selection?. REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT. 2024. DOI: 10.1071/RD23235
- Martínez de los Reyes, Nuria; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Flores-Borobia, Inés; Marigorta, Pilar; Peris-Frau, Patricia; Santiago-Moreno, Julián; Bermejo-Álvarez, Pablo; Ramos-Ibeas, Priscila. Optimized heterologous in vitro fertilization with Iberian ibex sperm and domestic goat oocytes. THERIOGENOLOGY WILD. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.therwi.2024.100075
- Peña-Delgado, Victoria; Noya, Agustí; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Abecia, José A.; Pérez-Pe, Rosaura; Casao, Adriana. Differential effect of melatonin on ram spermatozoa depending on the allelic variant of the RsaI polymorphism of the MTR1A gene, incubation medium and season. REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT. 2024. DOI: 10.1071/RD23233
- Martínez de los Reyes, Nuria; Flores-Borobia, Inés; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Marigorta, Pilar; Bermejo-Álvarez, Pablo; Ramos-Ibeas, Priscila. MEK signalling pathway is required for hypoblast specification and migration in ovine. REPRODUCTION. 2024. DOI: 10.1530/REP-24-0003
- Peña-Delgado, Victoria; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Fondevila, Manuel; Martín-Cabrejas, María A.; Aguilera, Yolanda; Álvarez-Rivera, Gerardo; Abecia, José A.; Casao, Adriana; Pérez-Pe, Rosaura. Improvement of the seminal characteristics in rams using agri-food by-products rich in phytomelatonin. ANIMALS. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/ani13050905
- Carvajal Serna, M.; Miguel Jiménez, S.; Pérez Pe, R.; Casao, A. Testicular ultrasound analysis as a predictive tool of ram sperm quality. BIOLOGY. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/biology11020261
- Miguel-Jiménez, Sara; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Peña-Delgado, Victoria; Casao, Adriana; Pérez-Pe, Rosaura. Effect of melatonin and nitric oxide on capacitation and apoptotic changes induced by epidermal growth factor in ram sperm. REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT. 2022. DOI: 10.1071/RD22146
- Miguel-Jiménez S.; Pina-Beltrán B.; Gimeno-Martos S.; Carvajal-Serna M.; Casao A.; Pérez-Pe R. NADPH Oxidase 5 and Melatonin: Involvement in Ram Sperm Capacitation. FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2021. DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2021.655794
- Pulinas L.; Cosso G.; Mura M.C.; Carvajal Serna M.; Ouled Ahmed H.; Carcangiu V.; Luridiana S. Effect of body condition score, treatment period and month of the previous lambing on the reproductive resumption of melatonin-treated sarda breed sheep during spring. ANIMALS. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/ani11071898
- Carvajal-Serna M.; Cardozo-Cerquera J.A.; Grajales-Lombana H.A.; Casao A.; Pérez-Pe R. Sperm behavior and response to melatonin under capacitating conditions in three sheep breeds subject to the equatorial photoperiod. ANIMALS. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/ani11061828
- Abecia, José A.; Gave, Marianne; García, Ana I.; Casao, Adriana; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Palacios, Carlos; Keller, Matthieu; Chemineau, Philippe; Delgadillo, José A. Long days in winter or the presence of adult sexually active rams did not influence the timing of puberty of autumn-born Rasa Aragonesa ram-lambs. BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH. 2021. DOI: 10.1080/09291016.2019.1613321
- Abecia, J.A.; Ferreira, C.; Carvajal-Serna, M. La actividad sexual de corderos a los ocho meses de edad como predictor de su actividad sexual adulta. ITEA INFORMACION TECNICA ECONOMICA AGRARIA. 2020. DOI: 10.12706/itea.2020.005
- Abecia, J.A.; Mura, M.C.; Carvajal-Serna, M.; Pulinas, L.; Macías, A.; Casao, A.; Pérez-Pe, R.; Carcangiu, V. Polymorphisms of the melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene influence the age at first mating in autumn-born ram-lambs and sexual activity of adult rams in spring. THERIOGENOLOGY. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.07.030
- Miguel-Jiménez, Sara; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Calvo, Silvia; Casao, Adriana; Cebrián-Pérez, José Álvaro; Muiño-Blanco, Teresa; Pérez-Pe, Rosaura. Does melatonin exert its effect on ram sperm capacitation through nitric oxide synthase regulation?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/ijms21062093
- Abecia, J.A.; Carvajal-Serna, M.; Casao, A.; Palacios, C.; Pulinas, L.; Keller, M.; Chemineau, P.; Delgadillo, J.A. The continuous presence of ewes in estrus in spring influences testicular volume, testicular echogenicity and testosterone concentration, but not LH pulsatility in rams. ANIMAL. 2020. DOI: 10.1017/S1751731120001330
- Carvajal-Serna, M.; Neira-Rivera, E.; Cardozo, J.A.; Grajales-Lombana, H.; Cebrián-Pérez, J.Á.; Muiño-Blanco, T.; Pérez-Pé, R.; Casao, A. Melatonin membrane receptors MT1 and MT2 are expressed in ram spermatozoa from non-seasonal breeds. TROPICAL ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11250-020-02289-4
- Carvajal-Serna, M.; Fatnassi, M.; Torres-Ruda, F.; Cardozo, J.A.; Grajales-Lombana, H.; Hammadi, M.; Abecia, J.A.; Muiño-Blanco, T.; Pérez-Pe, R.; Cebrián-Pérez, J.Á.; Casao, A. Vasectomy and photoperiodic regimen modify the protein profile, hormonal content and antioxidant enzymes activity of ram seminal plasma. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/ijms21218063
- Martinez-Marcos, Paula; Carvajal-Serna, Melissa; Lázaro-Gaspar, Sofía; Pérez-Pe, Rosaura; Muiño-Blanco, Teresa; Cebrián-Pérez, José A; Casao, Adriana. Presence of melatonin-catabolizing non-specific enzymes myeloperoxidase and indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase in the ram reproductive tract. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2019. DOI: 10.1111/rda.13574
- Carvajal-Serna, M; Santorroman, M; Barale, J; Cardozo, J; Cebrian-Perez, J; Muiño-Blanco, T; Abecia, A; Perez-Pe, R; Casao, A. Monthly changes in testicular ultrasonography and their association with ram sperm quality. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2019
- Carvajal-Serna, M.; Torres-Ruda, F.; Cardozo, J.A.; Grajales-Lombana, H.; Cebrián-Pérez, J.Á.; Muiño-Blanco, T.; Pérez-Pé, R.; Casao, A. Changes in melatonin concentrations in seminal plasma are not correlated with testosterone or antioxidant enzyme activity when rams are located in areas with an equatorial photoperiod. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2018.11.007
- Carvajal-Serna, M.; Cardozo, J.A.; Grajales-Lombana, H.; Cebrián-Pérez, J.A.; Muiño-Blanco, T. Sperm quality and seminal plasma proteins in three sheep breeds under high altitude and tropical conditions. SPANISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. 2018. DOI: 10.5424/sjar/2018162-12882
- González-Arto, M.; Aguilar, D.; Gaspar-Torrubia, E.; Gallego, M.; Carvajal-Serna, M.; Herrera-Marcos, L.; Serrano-Blesa, E.; Dos, Santos Hamilton; Pérez-Pé, R.; Muiño-Blanco, T.; Cebrián-Pérez, J. A.; Casao, A. Melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors in the ram reproductive tract. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2017. DOI: 10.3390/ijms18030662
- Carvajal-Serna, M; Santorroman, M; Barale, J; Cardozo, J; Cebrian-Perez, J; Muino-Blanco, T; Abecia, A; Perez-Pe, R; Casao, A. Monthly changes in testicular ultrasonography and their association with ram sperm quality. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2019
- Miguel-Jimenez, S; Carvajal-Serna, M; Calvo, S; Casao, A; Cebrian-Perez, J; Muiño-Blanco, T; Perez-Pe, R. Changes in nitric oxide synthase isoforms localization in the presence of melatonin seem not to be related with changes in nitric oxide levels during ram spermatozoa capacitation. REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2019
- A07_20R: Biofiter (Biología, Fisiología Y Tecnologías De La Reproducción). 01/01/20 - 31/12/22
Dirección de proyectos fin de master
- Efecto de dietas ricas en fitomelatonina sobre el daño oxidativo en espermatozoides ovinos. Universidad de Zaragoza. Sobresaliente. 07/07/21
Investigaciones anteriores
- Postdoctoral researcher at Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology Department. Facultad de Veterinaria. 03/06/22 - 31-DIC-22
- Researcher in training at Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology Department. Facultad de Veterinaria. 01/08/19 - 02-JUN-22
- N4 Researcher Facultad de Veterinaria. 20/08/18 - 01-AGO-19
- Researcher. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria. 10/04/13 - 09-ABR-14
Participaciones en congresos
- 17th International Congress of Proceedings the Spanish Society for Animal Reproduction (AERA). Participativo - Póster. M540 / PNA staining for the evaluation of ram sperm capacitation by flow cytometry. Madrid. 17/10/24
- 17th International Congress of Proceedings the Spanish Society for Animal Reproduction (AERA). Participativo - Póster. Comparison of four antioxidants on chilled ram semen kept at 15°C for 48 hours. Madrid. 17/10/24
- 14th 4A Biennial Conference. Participativo - Póster. Relationship between the RsaI polymorphism of the melatonin receptor MT1 gene (MTNR1A) and the gene expression of the nuclear receptor RORA in the ram testis. Fortaleza. 03/07/24
- 14th 4A Biennial Conference. Participativo - Póster. Testicular characteristics and artificial vagina-mediated semen collection training in young rams according to melatonin receptor MT1 gene polymorphisms. Fortaleza. 03/07/24
- 45º Congreso de la SEBBM. Participativo - Póster. Influencia del polimorfismo RsaI del gen del receptor de melatonina 1A (MTNR1A) en la respuesta a la adición de melatonina en espermatozoides ovinos. Zaragoza. 05/09/23
- 45º Congreso de la SEBBM. Participativo - Póster. Relación entre el polimorfismo RsaI del gen del receptor de melatonina 1A (MTNR1A) y la expresión génica del receptor nuclear RORA en el testículo del morueco. Zaragoza. 05/09/23
- XX Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Influencia de los polimorfismos del gen MTNR1A en la respuesta al efecto descapacitante de la melatonina en espermatozoides ovinos. Zaragoza. 13/06/23
- XX Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Efecto de los polimorfismos del gen MTNR1A en la calidad seminal del morueco durante la estación reproductiva. Zaragoza. 13/06/23
- XX Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Transpondedores inyectables para medir la temperatura corporal en estudios de fisiología reproductiva en ovino: efecto del polimorfismo del gen MTNR1A. Zaragoza. 13/06/23
- 10th International sheep veterinary congress. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Polymorphisms of the melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene of Rasa Aragonesa rams affect their fertility after artificial insemination. Sevilla. 06/03/23
- ICAR 2020+2 - 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction. Participativo - Póster. Effect of a phytomelatonin-rich diet on ram testicular parenchyma evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic ultrasonography. Bolonia. 26/06/22
- ICAR 2020+2 - 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction. Participativo - Póster. Effect of phytomelatonin-rich diets on oxidative damage in ram sperm. Bolonia. 26/06/22
- ICAR 2020+2 - 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction. Participativo - Póster. Influence of the polymorphisms of the Melatonin Receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene on ram sperm response to melatonin during the non-reproductive season. A preliminary study. Bolonia. 26/06/22
- 13th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology (AAAA). Participativo - Póster. Influence of the polymorphisms of the melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene on the distribution of MT1 and MT2 melatonin receptors in ram sperm. Bolonia. 25/06/22
- 13th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology (AAAA). Participativo - Póster. Influence of melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene polymorphisms on melatonin synthetizing-enzymes and melatonin receptors gene expression in ram Bolonia. 25/06/22
- 13th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology (AAAA). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Effect of melatonin on ram sperm capacitation induced by epidermal growth factor. Bolonia. 25/06/22
- 13th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology (AAAA). Participativo - Póster. Effect of melatonin on ram sperm capacitation induced by epidermal growth factor. Bolonia. 25/06/22
- XIX Jornadas Producción Animal AIDA. Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). “Efectos del consumo de dietas ricas en fitomelatonina en la reproducción de moruecos”. Virtual. 01/06/21
- VI Jornadas IUCA (Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón). Participativo - Ponencia oral (comunicación oral). Evaluación preliminar del efecto de las dietas ricas en fitomelatonina sobre la reproducción del morueco. Zaragoza. 17/09/20
- 12th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology (AAAA). Participativo - Póster. Decapacitating effect of melatonin is not mediated by calcium-calmodulin kinase II in ram spermatozoa. Bolonia. 26/06/20
- 12th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology (AAAA). Participativo - Póster. Effect of melatonin on actin and a-tubulin distribution related to in vitro capacitation in ram sperm. Bolonia. 26/06/20
- 23th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR). Participativo - Póster. Monthly changes in testicular ultrasonography and their association with ram sperm quality. San petersburgo. 19/09/19
- 23th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR). Participativo - Póster. Changes in nitric oxide synthase isoforms localization in the presence of melatonin seem not to be related with changes in nitric oxide levels during ram spermatozoa capacitation. San petersburgo. 19/09/19
- 22nd Annual ESDAR Conference Participativo - Póster. Identification of intracellular nitric oxide synthase isoforms in ram sperm. Córdoba. 27/09/18
- 22th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR). Participativo - Póster. Melatonin effect on sperm capacitation in sheep breeds under equatorial climates. Cordoba. 27/09/18
- 22nd Annual ESDAR Conference Participativo - Póster. Comparative study of changes in intracellular calcium levels and localization in capacitated ram spermatozoa in presence of melatonin. Córdoba. 27/09/18
- XLIII Congreso nacional y XIX Congreso internacional de la SEOC. Participativo - Póster. Presencia e inmunolocalización de los receptores de melatonina MT1 y MT2 en espermatozoides ovinos bajo fotoperiodo ecuatorial. Zaragoza. 19/09/18
- 14th International Congress of the Spanish Association for Animal Reproduction (AERA). Participativo - Póster. Effect of environmental factors on ram sperm quality under tropical conditions. Barcelona. 09/11/17
- 33rd Scientific meeting of the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE). Participativo - Póster. Variation of melatonin, testosterone and antioxidant enzymes in seminal plasma of three ram breeds under tropical conditions. Bath. 08/09/17
- IV Jornadas del IUCA. Participativo - Póster. Metabolismo de la melatonina en los tejidos del tracto reproductor de morueco. Zaragoza. 11/11/15
- XXXVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular of the Spanish Biophysical Society. Participativo - Póster. Metabolismo de la melatonina en los tejidos del tracto reproductor de morueco. Valencia. 09/09/15
- Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. Madrid. España. 01/01/23 - 31-DIC-23
UNIZAR teaching of the last six courses