Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Lorés Sanz, María Rosa
Departamento: Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Área: Filología Inglesa
Centro: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Grupo: H16_23R: CIRES

Tramos de investigación
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/22
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/16
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/10
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/04
Categoría profesional: Cated. Universidad

  • Directora del Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Correo electrónico:
Página web:
ORCID: 0000-0001-5574-6182

Líneas de investigación
  • Lingüística aplicada


  • Lorés, Rosa. Mediating expert knowledge: The use of pragmatic strategies in digital research digests. JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2024.08.007

  • Lorés, Rosa. Digesting psychology: metadiscourse as a recontextualising tool in the digital communication of disciplinary research. CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS. 2024. DOI: 10.1515/CJAL-2024-0202

  • Lorés, Rosa. Dual voices, hybrid identities: the recontextualization of research in digital dissemination scientific discourse. CIRCULO DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA A LA COMUNICACION. 2023. DOI: 10.5209/clac.85566

  • Mur-Dueñas, P.; Lorés, R. When Science Communication Becomes Parascience: Blurred Boundaries, Diffuse Roles. PUBLICATIONS. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/publications10020014

  • Lorés, Rosa; Diani, Giuliana. Disseminating knowledge: the effects of digitalised academic discourse on language, genre and identity. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES. 2021. DOI: 10.1080/13825577.2021.1988262

  • Suau-Jiménez, Francisca; Lorés-Sanz, Rosa; Mapelli, Giovanna; Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel. La interpersonalidad discursiva: una alternativa al metadiscurso interpersonal. ONOMAZEIN. 2021. DOI: 10.7764/onomazein.54.08

  • Lorés, R. From print to digital communication: the one-way journey of academic research . DISCOURSES ON CULTURE. 2021. DOI: 10.36145/DoC2021.04

  • Lorés-Sanz, R.; Herrando-Rodrigo, I. New concepts, different approaches: Tackling e-visibility in research project websites . REVISTA DE LINGUISTICA Y LENGUAS APLICADAS. 2020. DOI: 10.4995/RLYLA.2020.12782

  • Lorés, Rosa. Science on the web: The exploration of European research websites of energy-related projects as digital genres for the promotion of values. DISCOURSE, CONTEXT AND MEDIA. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.dcm.2020.100389

  • Pascual, Daniel; Mur-Dueñas, Pilar; Lorés, Rosa Looking into international research groups' digital discursive practices: Criteria and methodological steps in the compilation of the EUROPRO digital corpus. RESEARCH IN CORPUS LINGUISTICS. 2020. DOI: 10.32714/ricl.08.02.05

  • Lores Sanz, R. Online conference announcements as spaces for disciplinary communication. ENGLISH TEXT CONSTRUCTION. 2018. DOI: 10.1075/etc.00011.lor

  • Lorés Sanz, Rosa; Murillo Ornat, Silvia. Contextos locales e internacionales de publicación científica: Análisis retórico-discursivo de los resúmenes de artículos de investigación en inglés en el ámbito de la sociología.. ESTUDIOS DE LINGÜÍSTICA. 2018. DOI: 10.14198/ELUA2018.32.15

  • Lorés-Sanz, R. When the local becomes international: The lexicogrammar of rhetorical moves in English and Spanish Sociology abstracts. LANGUAGES IN CONTRAST. 2016. DOI: 10.1075/lic.16.1.06lor

  • Lorés Sanz, María Rosa. ELF in the making? simplification and hybridity in abstract writing. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA. 2016. DOI: 10.1515/jelf-2016-0003

  • Lorés Sanz, Rosa; Mur Dueñas, Pilar; Rey Rocha, Jesús; Moreno, Ana I. Motivations and attitudes of Spanish Chemistry and Economic researchers towards publication in English-medium scientific journals. REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 2014

  • Lorés Sanz, María Rosa. Local disciplines, local cultures: Praise and criticism in British and Spanish History book reviews. BRNO STUDIES IN ENGLISH. 2012

  • Lorés-Sanz, R. The construction of the author's voice in academic writing: The interplay of cultural and disciplinary factors. TEXT & TALK. 2011

  • Lorés Sanz,R. The study of authorial voice: Using a Spanish-English corpus to explore linguistic transference. CORPORA. 2011. DOI: 10.3366/corp.2011.0002

  • Mur-Dueñas, Pilar; Lorés-Sanz, Rosa; Lafuente-Millán, Enrique. Editorial. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeap.2010.02.006

  • Lorés Sanz, Rosa. I will argue that: first person pronouns and metadiscoursal devices in RA abstracts in English and Spanish. ESP ACROSS CULTURES. 2006

  • Lores, R. On Ra Abstracts: From Rhetorical Structure to Thematic Organisation. ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. 2004

  • Lorés Sanz, Rosa. The translation of tourist literature: the case of connectors. MULTILINGUA-JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL AND INTERLANGUAGE COMMUNICATION. 2003

  • Lorés Sanz, María Rosa. Reseña de Aproximaciones a la traducción (Eds. Gil de Carrasco, Antonio y Hickey, Leo; Instituto Cervantes, 1999). MISCELÁNEA (ZARAGOZA). 2000

  • Lorés Sanz, Rosa; Murillo Ornat, Silvia. Book review of The Pragmatics of Translation (Leo Hickey, ed. Multilingual Matters, 1998). THE TRANSLATOR. 2000

  • Lorés Sanz, R. The Translation of Idiolect in "Changing Places": Some Pragmatic and Semiotic considerations. THE GROVE (JAÉN). 2000

  • Lorés Sanz, R. The pragmatic function of theme: The case of the conditional subordinates. REVISTA ALICANTINA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 2000

  • Lorés Sanz, Rosa. Impoliteness in equal relationships: Power struggle as the motivation for linguistic impoliteness. STVDIVM (TERUEL). 1999



  • Lores Sanz, Rosa. The Pragmatics of Translation: Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Spanish Translation of The Good Terrorist. LIVIUS (LEÓN). 1994

  • Lorés Sanz, R.;Hickey, L.;Loyo Gómez, H.;Gil de Carrasco, A. Información conocida y nueva en la traducción literaria. SENDEBAR (GRANADA). 1993

  • Lorés Sanz, R. David Lodge y el lenguaje del humor. CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN FILOLÓGICA. 1992


  • Abstracts in Academic Discourse: Variation and Change. 2014

  • Isabel Herrando Rodrigo, Pilar Mur-Dueñas y Rosa Lorés Sanz. Academic writing for health sciences. 2012

  • Constructing Interpersonality: Multiple perspectives on written. Lorés Sanz, Rosa; Mur Dueñas, Pilar; Lafuente Millán, Enrique. 2010

  • edited by Rosa Lorés-Sanz, Pilar Mur-Dueñas and Enrique Lafuente-Millán. Constructing Interpersonality: Multiple Perspectives on Written Academic Genres. 2010

  • [dirección María Falcón , Daniel Najmías , María Teresa Gallego e Isabel González Gallarza ; traducción Daniel Hübner, Ros. Talleres de traducción con alumnos de Filología Inglesa, Alemana y Francesa de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Zaragoza: Tarazona, 12-15 de mayo de 2005. 2005

  • Pragmatics at Work: The Translation of Tourist Literature. Navarro Errasti, Mª Pilar, Lorés Sanz, Rosa y Murillo Ornat, Silvia. 2004

  • Mª Pilar Navarro Errasti , Rosa Lorés Sanz, Silvia Murillo Ornat, Carmina Buesa Gómez, eds. Transcultural communication: pragmalinguistic aspects. 2000


  • Hybrid rhetorical structure in English Sociology research article abstracts The ambit of ELF and translation. Lorés Sanz, María Rosa. INTERCULTURAL PERSPECTIVES ON RESEARCH WRITING. 2018

  • Rosa Lorés-Sanz. The Use of ELF in International Online Conference Announcements: Changing Modes and Means of Academic Communication. ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: IMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS IN THE FIELD OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING. 2018

  • English specialized discourse in the academia: Publishing practices by Spanish scholars in Chemistry and Business. Mur Dueñas, María Pilar; Lorés Sanz, María Rosa; Rey Rocha, Jesús; Moreno, Ana I. DISCOURSES IN CO(N)TEXT: THE MANY FACES OF SPECIALISED DISCOURSE. 2015

  • Interculturality in EAP research: proposals, experiences, applications and limitations. Lorés Sanz, María Rosa. ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: APPROACHES AND IMPLICATIONS 2015

  • Introduction. Lorés Sanz, Rosa; Bondi, Marina. ABSTRACTS IN ACADEMIC DISCOURSE: VARIATION AND CHANGE. 2014

  • Lost (and gained) in translation: A contrastive (English/Spanish) analysis of rhetorical and lexicogrammatical patterns in Sociology RA abstracts. Lorés Sanz, María Rosa. ABSTRACTS IN ACADEMIC DISCOURSE: VARIATION AND CHANGE. 2014

  • The same story? Enhancing membership and constructing knowledge in Spanish and English History book reviews. Lorés Sanz, María Rosa. NARRATIVES IN ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL GENRES. 2013

  • Interpersonality in written academic discourse: three analytical perspectives. Lafuente Millán, Enrique; Mur Dueñas, Pilar; Lorés Sanz, Rosa; Vázquez Orta, Ignacio. CONSTRUCTING INTERPERSONALITY: MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES ON WRITTEN ACADEMIC GENRES. 2010

  • Enrique Lafuente Millán, Pilar Mur Dueñas, Rosa Lorés Sanz, Ignacio Vázquez Orta. Interpersonality in written academic discourse : three analytical perspectives. CONSTRUCTING INTERPERSONALITY: MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES ON WRITTEN ACADEMIC GENRES. 2010

  • (Non-) Critical voices in the reviewing of history discourse: A cross-cultural study of evaluation. Lorés Sanz, Rosa. ACADEMIC EVALUATION: REVIEW GENRES IN UNIVERSITY SETTINGS. 2009

  • Different worlds, different audiences: a contrastive analysis of research article abstracts. Lorés Sanz, Rosa. CROSS-LINGUISTIC AND CROSS-CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACADEMIC DISCOURSE. 2009

  • Authorial visibility in research article and research article abstracts: the intergeneric perspective. Lorés Sanz, Rosa. ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE IN RESEARCH PUBLICATION AND COMMUNICATION. 2008

  • Celia Florén Serrano and Rosa Lorés Sanz. The application of a parallel corpus (English-Spanish) to the teaching od translations (ENTRAD Project). NEW TRENDS IN TRANSLATION AND CULTURAL IDENTITY. 2008

  • Authorial identity and reader involvement in academic writing: a contrastive study of the use of pronouns in RA abstracts. Lorés Sanz, Rosa; Murillo Ornat, Silvia. APRENDIZAJE DE LENGUAS, USO DEL LENGUAJE Y MODELACIÓN COGNITIVA: PERSPECTIVAS APLICADAS ENTRE DISCIPLINAS. 2007

  • How to explore academic writing from metadiscourse as an integrated framework of interpersonal meaning: three perspectives of analysis. Lorés Sanz, Rosa. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL AELFE CONFERENCE. 2007

  • Intercultural rhetoric: a widening of the scope. Lorés Sanz, Rosa. USOS SOCIALES DEL LENGUAJE Y ASPECTOS PSICOLINGÜÍSTICOS: PERSPECTIVAS APLICADAS. 2006

  • The referential function of metadiscourse: thing(s) and idea(s) in academic lectures. Lorés Sanz, Rosa. CORPUS LINGUISTICS: APPLICATIONS FOR THE STUDY OF ENGLISH. 2006

  • Rosa Lorés Sanz. Academic literacy vs academic oracy: signaling nouns as devices in intratranslation. ENGLISH AS A GLOCALIZATION PHENOMENON: OBSERVATIONS FROM A LINGUISTIC MICROCOSM. 2006


  • Thematic patterns in tourist literature: an approach to the study of genre”. Lorés Sanz, Rosa. PRAGMATICS AT WORK: THE TRANSLATION OF TOURIST LITERATURE. 2004

  • Perspectivas sobre la investigación en los marcadores del discurso. Lorés Sanz, Rosa; Murillo Ornat, Silvia; Pérez-Llantada Auría, Mª Carmen; Vázquez Orta, Ignacio. FIFTY YEARS OF ENGLISH STUDIES IN SPAIN (1952-2002). 2003

  • Rosa Lorés Sanz. On the rhetorical structure(s) of abstracts. LAS LENGUAS EN UN MUNDO GLOBAL = LANGUAGES IN A GLOBAL WORLD. 2003

  • Rosa Lorés Sanz. The translation of social deixis in dramatic dialogue: a relevance theoretic approach to linguistic politeness. INTERACTION AND COGNITION IN LINGUISTICS. 2003

  • Rosa Lorés Sanz. Intentionality through thematic choice : a contrastive study of texture. TRANSCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: PRAGMALINGUISTIC ASPECTS. 2000

  • El tratamiento de la cortesía lingüística en las traducciones al español de obras de teatro americanas. Lorés Sanz, Rosa. NUEVAS TENDENCIAS Y APLICACIONES DE LA TRADUCCIÓN. 1998

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