Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Duarte Pac, María Rosa
Departamento: Departamento de Análisis Económico
Área: Fundamentos del Análisis Económico
Centro: Facultad de Economía y Empresa

Grupo: S40_23R: Crecimiento, demanda y recursos naturales (CREDENAT)

Códigos UNESCO
  • Input-Output
  • Contabilidad social
  • Innovación tecnológica
  • Equilibrio económico
  • Teoría del crecimiento económico
  • Distribución de recursos naturales

Tramos de investigación
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/22
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/16
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/10
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 01/01/04
Categoría profesional: Cated. Universidad

  • Directora del Departamento de Análisis Económico
Correo electrónico:
ORCID: 0000-0003-3113-1698

Líneas de investigación
  • Análisis económico
  • Econometría
  • Análisis de input output
  • Contabilidad nacional
  • Economía del medio ambiente
  • Economía regional


  • Bravo, Y.; Duarte, R.; Sarasa, C. Economic and environmental impacts of the shifts to electromobility in Spain: A multiregional input–output framework. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. 2024. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.13565

  • Calvo-Calvo, Elena; Duarte, Rosa; Sarasa, Cristina. Textile offshoring along global value chains (GVCs): Impacts on employment and gender wage gaps. STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2024.09.014

  • Duarte, Rosa; Espinosa Gracia, Adrian; Jiménez, Sofía; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. Intra-country inequality and involvement in GVCs: the case of EU-28. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA MUNDIAL. 2023. DOI: 10.33776/rem.vi64.7272

  • Almazán-Gómez, Miguel A.; Kahil, Taher; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez-Chóliz, Julio. A Multiregional Input–Output Hydro-Economic Modeling Framework: An Application to the Ebro River Basin. WATER ECONOMICS AND POLICY. 2023. DOI: 10.1142/S2382624X21400026

  • Bolea, L.; Duarte, R.; Hewings, G.J.D.; Jiménez, S.; Sánchez-Chóliz, J. The role of regions in global value chains: an analysis for the European Union. PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE. 2022. DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12674

  • Jiménez, Sofía; Dietzenbacher, Erik; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez-Chóliz, Julio. The geographical and sectoral concentration of global supply chains. SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS. 2022. DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2021.2012584

  • Duarte, Rosa; Espinosa-Gracia, Adrián; Jiménez, Sofía; Sánchez-Chóliz, Julio. New insights on the relationship between the involvement of countries in global value chains, and intra- and inter-country inequalities. STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2022.11.001

  • Duarte, Rosa; García-Riazuelo, Álvaro; Sáez, Luis Antonio; Sarasa, Cristina. Analysing citizens’ perceptions of renewable energies in rural areas: A case study on wind farms in Spain. ENERGY REPORTS. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2022.09.173

  • Duarte, R.; García-Riazuelo, Á.; Sáez, L. A.; Sarasa, C. Economic and territorial integration of renewables in rural areas: Lessons from a long-term perspective. ENERGY ECONOMICS. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2022.106005

  • Almazán-Gómez, M.A.; Duarte, R.; Langarita, R.; Sánchez-Chóliz, J. Water and socioeconomic dependencies: a multiregional model. CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10098-020-01915-x

  • Duarte, Rosa; Pinilla, Vicente; Serrano, Ana. Indicadores de agua incorporada y actividad económica desde la perspectiva de la producción y el consumo: un análisis temporal para la economía española. CUADERNOS ECONÓMICOS DE I.C.E. 2021. DOI: 10.32796/cice.2021.101.7196

  • Duarte, R.; Miranda-Buetas, S.; Sarasa, C. Household consumption patterns and income inequality in EU countries: Scenario analysis for a fair transition towards low-carbon economies. ENERGY ECONOMICS. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105614

  • Sánchez Chóliz, J.; Duarte, R.; Jiménez, S,. Structural components of income growth: an application to the evolution of the Spanish economy, 1980–2014. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2021. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2021.1974353

  • Bolea, L.; Duarte, R.; Hewings, G.J.D.; Sánchez-Chóliz, J. Disintegration scenarios in the European Union: A case study of Eastern European economies. ECONOMIC MODELLING. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2020.11.015

  • Duarte, R.; Serrano, A. Environmental analysis of structural and technological change in a context of trade expansion: Lessons from the EU enlargement. ENERGY POLICY. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112142

  • Duarte, R.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. The globalization of Mediterranean agriculture: A long-term view of the impact on water consumption. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.106964

  • Rivera-Basques, L.; Duarte, R.; Sánchez-Chóliz, J. Unequal ecological exchange in the era of global value chains: The case of Latin America. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106881

  • Katyaini, S.; Barua, A.; Duarte, Rosa. Science-policy interface on water scarcity in India: Giving ‘visibility’ to unsustainable virtual water flows (1996–2014). JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124059

  • Bolea, Lucía; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez-Chóliz, Julio. Exploring carbon emissions and international inequality in a globalized world: A multiregional-multisectoral perspective. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104516

  • Schumacher, I.; Cazcarro, I.; Duarte, R.; Sarasa, C.; Serrano, A.; Xepapadeas, A.; Freire-Gonzalez, J.; Vivanco, D.F.; Pena-Levano, L.M.; Escalante, C.L.; Shehabi, M.; Koundouri, P.; Pittis, N.; Samartzis, P.; Ing, J.; Nicola, J.P.; Laude, A.; Brule-Gapihan, E.; Cohen, F.; Schwarz, M.; Li, S.H.; Lu, Y.S.Y.; Jani, A. Perspectives on the Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus. ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s10640-020-00493-2

  • Almazán-Gómez, M.A.; Duarte, R.; Langarita, R.; Sánchez-Chóliz, J. Effects of water re-allocation in the Ebro river basin: A multiregional input-output and geographical analysis. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.03.042

  • Duarte, R.; Sarasa, C.; Serrano, M. Structural change and female participation in recent economic growth: a multisectoral analysis for the Spanish economy. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2019.1589425

  • Duarte, R.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. Long Term Drivers of Global Virtual Water Trade: A Trade Gravity Approach for 1965–2010. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.10.012

  • Langarita, R.;Duarte, R.;Hewings, G.;Sanchez-Choliz, J. Testing European goals for the Spanish electricity system using a disaggregated CGE model. ENERGY. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Cazcarro, Ignacio; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Sarasa, Cristina. Water and production reallocation in the Spanish agri-food system. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2019.1693982

  • Bolea, Lucía; Duarte, Rosa; Jarne, Gloria; Marchinski, Robert; Rueda-Cantuche, José Manuel; Sánchez-Chóliz, Julio; Sarasa, Cristina. Europeanization vs. Globalization? A deeper look into income and employment embodied in intra-european trade. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA MUNDIAL. 2019

  • Valiño, L.; Sarasa, C.; Duarte, R. Economy-wide effects of a sustainable pathway in the pig sector: A case study in Aragon (Spain). JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.03.041

  • Bolea, L.; Duarte, R.; Jarne, G.; Marschinski, R.; Rueda-Cantuche, J.M.; Sánchez-Chóliz, J.; Sarasa, C. Europeanization vs. Globalization? A deeper look into income and employment embodied in intra-European trade. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA MUNDIAL. 2019. DOI: 10.33776/rem.v0i53.3922

  • Duarte, R.; Sanchez-Choliz, J.; Sarasa, C. Consumer-side actions in a low-carbon economy: A dynamic CGE analysis for Spain. ENERGY POLICY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.03.065

  • Bolea, L.; Duarte, R.; Sánchez Chóliz, J. From convergence to divergence? Some new insights into the evolution of the European Union. STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2018.07.006

  • Duarte, R.; Jimenez, S.; Sánchez Chóliz, J. Drivers of economic growth in advanced economies: Results from a multisectorial-multiregional perspective. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA MUNDIAL. 2018

  • Duarte, R.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. Income, economic structure and trade: Impacts on recent water use trends in the European Union. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2018. DOI: 10.3390/su10010205

  • Duarte, R.; Ferrando-Latorre, S.; Molina, J.A. How to escape poverty through education?: intergenerational evidence in Spain. APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2017.1352073

  • Duarte, Rosa; Pinilla, Vicente; Serrano, Ana. Factors driving embodied carbon in international trade: a multiregional input-output gravity model. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2018.1450226

  • Duarte, R.; Mainar-Causapé, A.J.; Sánchez Chóliz, J. Domestic GHG emissions and the responsibility of households in Spain: looking for regional differences. APPLIED ECONOMICS. 2017. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2017.1307933

  • Duarte, Rosa; Escario, José Julián; Sanagustín, María Victoria. The influence of the family, the school, and the group on the environmental attitudes of European students. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESEARCH. 2017. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2015.1074660

  • Duarte Pac, Rosa; Langarita Tejero, Raquel; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. The electricity industry in Spain: a structural analysis using a disaggregated input-output model. ENERGY. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/

  • Cazcarro, Ignacio; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Sarasa, Cristina; Serrano, Ana. Modelling regional policy scenarios in the agri-food sector: a case study of a Spanish region. APPLIED ECONOMICS. 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2015.1102842

  • Langarita, Raquel; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Sarasa, Cristina; Duarte, Rosa; Jiménez, Sofia. Electricity cost in irrigated agriculture: A case study for an irrigation scheme in Spain RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.05.075

  • Cazcarro, Ignacio; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. Downscaling the grey water footprints of production and consumption. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.07.113

  • Duarte, Rosa; Feng, Kuishuang; Hubacek, Kalus; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Sarasa Fernández, Cristina; Sun, Laixiang. Modeling the carbon consequences of pro-environmental consumer behavior. APPLIED ENERGY. 2016

  • Zhao, X.; Liu, J.; Yang, H.; Duarte, R.; Tillotson, M.R.; Hubacek, K. Burden shifting of water quantity and quality stress from megacity Shanghai. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH. 2016. DOI: 10.1002/2016WR018595

  • Cazcarro, Ignacio; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. Tracking Water Footprints at the Micro and Meso Scale: An Application to Spanish Tourism by Regions and Municipalities. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12414

  • Serrano, A.; Guan, D.; Duarte, R.; Paavola, J. Virtual water flows in the EU27: A consumption based approach. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12454

  • Borderías, L.; Duarte, R.; Escario, J.J.; Molina, J.A. Addiction and other reasons adolescent smokers give to justify smoking. SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE. 2015. DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2015.1023453

  • Duarte, R.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. Globalization and natural resources: the expansion of the Spanish agrifood trade and its impact on water consumption, 1965–2010. REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-014-0752-3

  • Duarte, Rosa; Pinilla, Vicente; Serrano, Ana. Understanding agricultural virtual water flows in the world from an economic perspective: A long term study. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.10.056

  • Duarte, R.; Escario, J.J.; Molina, J.A. Smoking transmission in-home across three generations. JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE. 2015. DOI: 10.3109/14659891.2015.1018970

  • Duarte, R.; Escario, J.J.; Molina, J.A. Social Interactions in Alcohol-Impaired Driving. JOURNAL OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE. 2015. DOI: 10.1080/1067828X.2014.896760

  • Cazcarro, Ignacio; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez-Chóliz, Julio; Sarasa, Cristina; Serrano, Ana. Environmental Footprints and Scenario Analysis for Assessing the Impacts of the Agri-Food Industry on a Regional Economy: A Case Study in Spain. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. 2015. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12209

  • Duarte, R.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. The Spanish food industry on global supply chains and its impact on water resources. WATER (SWITZERLAND). 2015. DOI: 10.3390/w7010132

  • Cazcarro, I.; Duarte, R.; Martín-Retortillo, M.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. How sustainable is the increase in the water footprint of the Spanish agricultural sector? A provincial analysis between 1955 and 2005-2010. SUSTAINABILITY (SWITZERLAND). 2015. DOI: 10.3390/su7055094

  • Duarte Pac, Rosa; Jimenez Calvo, Sofía; Langarita Tejero, Raquel; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. Evaluating the Structural Effects of a Big Cultural Event: The Case of The International Expo Zaragoza 2008. ESTUDIOS ECONÓMICOS REGIONALES Y SECTORIALES = REGIONAL AND SECTORAL ECONOMIC STUDIES. 2015

  • Duarte, R.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. The effect of globalisation on water consumption: A case study of the Spanish virtual water trade, 1849-1935. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.01.020

  • Duarte,R.; Escario,J. J; Molina,J. A. Broader versus closer social interactions in smoking. MIND AND SOCIETY. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11299-013-0135-3

  • Duarte,R.; Rebahi,S.; Sánchez-Chóliz,J.; Sarasa,C. Households¿ Behaviour and Environmental Emissions in a Regional Economy. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2014. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2014.903231

  • Duarte,R.; Pinilla,V.; Serrano,A. The water footprint of the Spanish agricultural sector: 1860-2010. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.10.020

  • Duarte, R.; Escario, J.J.; Molina, J.A. Are estimated peer effects on smoking robust? Evidence from adolescent students in Spain. EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s00181-013-0704-7

  • Duarte, R.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. Looking backward to look forward: water use and economic growth from a long-term perspective. APPLIED ECONOMICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2013.844329

  • Cazcarro Castellano, Ignacio; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Duarte, Rosa. A multiregional Input-Output model for the evaluation of Spanish water flows. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1021/es4019964

  • Cazcarro,I.; Duarte,R.; Sánchez Chóliz,J. Multiregional input-output model for the evaluation of Spanish water flows. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2013

  • Duarte, R.; Pinilla, V.; Serrano, A. Is there an environmental Kuznets curve for water use? A panel smooth transition regression approach. ECONOMIC MODELLING. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2012.12.010

  • Duarte Pac, Rosa; Mainar Causapé, Alfredo; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. The Role of Consumption Patterns, Demand, and Technological Factors on the Recent Evolution of CO2 Emissions in a Group of Advanced Economies. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.09.007

  • Cazcarro, Ignacio; Duarte Pac, Rosa; Sánchez-Chóliz, Julio Economic growth and the evolution of water consumption in Spain: A structural decomposition analysis. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.09.010

  • Cazcarro,I.;Duarte,R.;Sánchez-Chóliz,J. Water flows in the Spanish economy: Agri-food sectors, trade and households diets in an input-output framework. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1021/es203772v

  • Duarte,R.;Mainar,A.;Sánchez-Chóliz,J. Social groups and CO 2 emissions in Spanish households. ENERGY POLICY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.02.020

  • Duarte,R.;Yang,H. Input-Output and water: Introduction to the special issue. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2011. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2011.638277

  • Cazcarro,I.; Duarte,R.; Choliz,J. S.; Sarasa,C. Water rates and the responsibilities of direct, indirect and end-users in Spain. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2011. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2011.611794

  • Duarte, R.;Escario, J. J. ;Molina, J. A. Peer effects, unobserved factors and risk behaviours in adolescence. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA APLICADA. 2011

  • Duarte, R.;Escario, J. -. ;Molina, J. -. 'Me, my classmates and my buddies': Analysing peer group effects on student marijuana consumption. EDUCATION ECONOMICS. 2011

  • Bielsa, J.;Duarte, R. Size and linkages of the Spanish construction industry: Key sector or deformation of the economy?. CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS. 2011

  • Duarte Pac, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Sirera de la Cal, Javier; Cazcarro Castellano, Ignacio. ¿Cuánto hemos cambiado? Cambio estructural y cambio tecnológico en la economía aragonesa. DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO (FUNDACIÓN ECONOMÍA ARAGONESA). 2011

  • Cazcarro, I.;Duarte Pac, R. ;Sánchez-Chóliz, J. Water consumption based on a disaggregated social accounting matrix of huesca (Spain). JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. 2010

  • Duarte Pac, R; Mainar Causape, A; Sanchez Choliz, J. The impact of household consumption patterns on emissions in Spain. ENERGY ECONOMICS. 2010

  • Duarte, R.;Flores, M. ;Sanchez-Choliz, J. Environmental impacts of a regional economy: An application to the Aragonese economy (Spain). ESTUDIOS ECONÓMICOS REGIONALES Y SECTORIALES = REGIONAL AND SECTORAL ECONOMIC STUDIES. 2010

  • Duarte, R.;Escario,J. Julian;Molina,J. Alberto. Youth Alcohol Abuse: Count Data Estimations. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA APLICADA. 2009


  • Bielsa Callau, J.;Duarte Pac,R. Sobre El Peso Del Sector De La Construcción En La Economía Española. BOLETÍN ICE ECONÓMICO. 2008

  • Flores, Mónica; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Duarte, Rosa. Uso y consumo de agua en la economía aragonesa: Una aproximación a través de indicadores derivados de la SAMEA. CUADERNOS ARAGONESES DE ECONOMÍA. 2008

  • Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Duarte Pac, Rosa. Modelos y aplicaciones del análisis input-output "Presentación". CUADERNOS ARAGONESES DE ECONOMÍA. 2008

  • Escario Gracia, J. J.;Duarte Pac, R.;Molina Chueca, J. A. Los amigos en las conductas de riesgo de los adolescentes aragoneses. DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO (FUNDACIÓN ECONOMÍA ARAGONESA). 2007

  • Duarte, R.;Escario,J.;Molina,J. Supporting the Endogenous Relationship between Well-being and Employment for US Individuals. ATLANTIC ECONOMIC JOURNAL. 2007

  • Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Duarte Pac, Rosa.; Mainar Causapé, Alfredo. Environmental impact of household activity in Spain. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2007

  • Duarte,R.;Escario,J. J.;Molina,J. A. Marijuana consumption and school failure among Spanish students. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW. 2006

  • Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Duarte Pac, Rosa. The effect of structural change on the self-reliance and interdependence of aggregate sectors: The case of Spain, 1980-1994. STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2004.11.002

  • Duarte, R.; Escario, J.J.; Molina, J.A. The psychological behaviour of young Spanish smokers. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER POLICY. 2006. DOI: 10.1007/s10603-006-9001-6

  • Molina,J. A.;Duarte,R. Risk determinants of suicide attempts among adolescents. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY. 2006

  • Duarte, R.; Gil, A.I; Molina, J.A. La demanda de bienes de consumo en Aragón. DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO (FUNDACIÓN ECONOMÍA ARAGONESA). 2006

  • Duarte,R.;Escario,J. J. Alcohol abuse and truancy among Spanish adolescents: A count-data approach. ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW. 2006

  • Sanchez Choliz, J.;Duarte, R. Water Pollution in the Spanish Economy: Analysis of Sensitivity to Production and Environmental Constraints. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2005

  • Duarte, R.; Escario, J.J.; Molina J.A. El consumo de drogas entre los jóvenes aragoneses: evidencia de un proceso secuencial en varias etapas. DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO (FUNDACIÓN ECONOMÍA ARAGONESA). 2004

  • Duarte, R.; Molina, J.A. Alcohol abuse among adolescents: regional evisdence from Spain. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES. 2004

  • Alcantara, V.;Duarte, R. Comparison of Energy Intensities in European Union Countries. Results of a Structural Decomposition Analysis. ENERGY POLICY. 2004

  • Duarte, Rosa;Escario, J. Julián. El consumo de cocaína en la población escolar española: un análisis microeconómetrico. CUADERNOS ARAGONESES DE ECONOMÍA. 2004

  • Sanchez Choliz, Julio;Duarte, Rosa. CO//2 emissions embodied in international trade: Evidence for Spain. ENERGY POLICY. 2004

  • Sanchez Choliz, Julio; Duarte, Rosa. Production Chains and Linkage Indicators. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2003. DOI: 10.1080/0953531032000152335

  • Sanchez Choliz, J.;Duarte, R. Analysing Pollution by Way of Vertically Integrated Coefficients, With an Application to the Water Sector in Aragon. CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS. 2003

  • Sánchez Chóliz, J. ;Duarte, R. Structural change and productive blocks in the Spanish Economy: An input-output analysis for 1980-1994. DOCUMENTOS DE TRABAJO. (UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA. FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS Y EMPRESARIALES). 2003

  • Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Duarte, Rosa. Structural change and productive blocks in the Spanish Economy: An input-output analysis for 1980-1994. HEARTWEB. 2003

  • Abella, Silvia; Duarte, Rosa; Escario, José Julián. Spatial distribution of population and employment in frontier areas: empirical application to Northern Spain. SUD-OUEST EUROPEEN. 2003

  • Duarte, R.; Escario, J.J.; Molina, J.A. Marijuana consumption and violence: is there a bi-directional association?. ATLANTIC ECONOMIC JOURNAL. 2003

  • Ubago Martínez, Y.;Duarte, R.;Gil Sanz, A. Aspectos socioeconómicos del consumo de tabaco, alcohol y otras drogas: la visión de la opinión pública. REVISTA DE GESTIÓN PÚBLICA Y PRIVADA. 2002

  • Duarte, Rosa;Sanchez Choliz, Julio;Bielsa, Jorge. Water Use in the Spanish Economy: An Input-Output Approach. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. 2002

  • Bielsa Callau, J.;Sánchez Chóliz, J.;Duarte, R. Agua y estructura productiva. PAPELES DE ECONOMÍA ESPAÑOLA. 2001

  • Bielsa Callau, J.;Sánchez Chóliz, J.;Duarte, R. Análisis de las posibles líneas estratégicas de desarrollo para la Hoya de Huesca. REVISTA DE GESTIÓN PÚBLICA Y PRIVADA. 2001

  • Bielsa J;Duarte R. An economic model for water allocation in North Eastern Spain. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT. 2001

  • Sanchez Choliz, Julio;Duarte, Rosa. The Economic Impacts of Newly Irrigated Areas in the Ebro Valley. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH. 2000

  • Bielsa Callau, J. ;Duarte, R. La eficiencia técnica de riego: análisis de las conexiones y la utilidad de sus diversas definiciones. REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ESTUDIOS AGROSOCIALES Y PESQUEROS-REEAP. 2000

  • Sánchez, Julio;Duarte, Rosa. Demanda de agua y agricultura en el Valle del Ebro. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA APLICADA. 2000

  • Escario Gracia, J. J.;Mur Sangrá, M.;Duarte, R. Evolución de la economía de Huesca en el período 1983-1993: una aplicación del análisis shift-share. REVISTA DE GESTIÓN PÚBLICA Y PRIVADA. 2000

  • Duarte Pac, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. Regional productive structure and water pollution in the Ebro Valley (Spain). ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH. 1999



  • [Recurso electrónico] : Rosa Duarte, Vicente Pinilla, Ana Serrano. Global water in a global world a long term study on agricultural virtual water flows in the world. 2015

  • [Recurso electrónico] : Rosa Duarte, José Julián Escario, José Alberto Molina. Socio-demographic determinants of planning suicide and marijuana use among youths are these patterns of behaviour causally related?. 2013

  • [Recurso electrónico] : Rosa Duarte, Julio Sánchez-Chóliz, Ignacio Cazcarro, Sofiane Regahi, Cristina Sarasa y Ana Serrano. La industria agroalimentaria en la economía aragonesa capacidad dinamizadora, escenarios de crecimiento y medio ambiente. 2012

  • [Recurso electrónico] : Rosa Duarte, Vicente Pinilla and Ana Serrano. Is there an environmental Kuznets curve for water use? a panel smooth transition regression approach. 2012

  • José Alberto Molina, Rosa Duarte, Ana Isabel Gil. La demanda de bienes de consumo en Aragón. 2006

  • José Julián Escario Gracia, Rosa Duarte Pac, José Alberto Molina Chueca. Los amigos en las conductas de riesgo de los adolescentes aragoneses. 2006

  • José Alberto Molina, Rosa Duarte y José Julián Escario. El consumo de drogas entre los jóvenes aragoneses: evidencia de un proceso secuencial en varias etapas. 2004

  • Julio Sánchez Chóliz and Rosa Duarte. Structural change and productive blocks in the Spanish economy: an input-output analysis for 1980-1994. 2003

  • Jorge Bielsa, y Rosa Duarte. La negociación de concesiones de agua: regadío versus hidroelectricidad. 2000

  • director, Julio Sánchez Chóliz ; colaboradores, Alfredo Mainar, Rosa Duarte Pac, Jorge Bielsa Callau. Actualización de datos y líneas estratégicas de desarrollo para La Hoya de Huesca: diciembre de 1999. 1999

  • realizado por Julio Sánchez Chóliz ; con la colaboración de Rosa Duarte Pac. Aproximación al balance de gastos e ingresos del Estado y las Instituciones Públicas en una gran inversión en regadío: estimación e importancia de los efectos directos e indirectos. 1999

  • [director, Julio Sánchez Chóliz ; colaboradores, Alfredo Mainar, Rosa Duarte Pac, Jorge Bielsa Callau]. Actualización de datos y líneas estratégicas de desarrollo para La Hoya de Huesca: diciembre de 1999. Anexos. 1999

  • por Julio Sánchez Chóliz, y Rosa Duarte Pac. Efectos económicos del Plan Hidrológico de la Cuenca del Ebro: analisis a través del incremento de valor añadido. 1997


  • Rosa Duarte, Vicente Pinilla and Ana Serrano. Revisiting water and economic growth from a long-term perspective. WATER RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC PROCESSES. 2021

  • Water Footprint and Food Products. Cazcarro, Ignacio; Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez-Choliz, Julio ENVIRONMENTAL WATER FOOTPRINTS: CONCEPTS AND CASE STUDIES FROM THE FOOD SECTOR. 2019

  • Duarte Pac, R., Sancho Anel, D., Sarasa Fernández, C. Conocimientos, percepciones y actitudes medioambientales en el ámbito universitario: un estudio en la Universidad de Zaragoza. MATERIALES E INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA EN LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO. 2019

  • The road to Paris with energy-efficiency strategies and GHG emissions-reduction targets: The case of Spain. Duarte, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Sarasa, Cristina. ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF DECARBONIZATION: INPUT-OUTPUT STUDIES ON THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE 2015 PARIS AGREEMENTS. 2017

  • Social, economic, and environmental analysis for the agri-food system with a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). Cazcarro Castellano, Ignacio; Duarte Pac, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. SUSTAINABILITY PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TO SOCIAL ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT. 2015

  • Ignacio Cazcarro, Rosa Duarte, Vicente Pinilla, Ana Serrano ... [et al.]. Water scarcity and agricultural growth in Spain: from curse to blessing?. NATURAL RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: LEARNING FROM HISTORY. 2015

  • Water footprints for Spanish regions based on a Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) model. Cazcarro Castellano, Ignacio; Duarte Pac, Rosa;Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. THE SUSTAINABILITY PRACTITIONERS GUIDE TO MULTI-REGIONAL INPUT–OUTPUT ANALYSIS. 2013

  • Who should pay the cost of wáter?. An application to a Spanish region. Cazcarro Castellano, Ignacio ; Duarte Pac, Rosa; Sánchez Chóliz, Julio; Sarasa Fernández, Cristina. FOOD PRODUCTION: NEW RESEARCH. 2011

  • Drug use among the Spanish adolescents: testing for a causal gateway effect Duarte, R.; Escario, J.J. ; Molina, J.A. HEALTH EDUCATION: CHALLENGES, ISSUES AND IMPACT 2010

  • Ignacio Cazcarro, Rosa Duarte y Julio Sánchez Chóliz. Agua virtual y huella hidrológica. LA ECONOMÍA DEL AGUA DE RIEGO EN ESPAÑA. 2009

  • Rosa Duarte Pac y Julio Sánchez Chóliz. Evolución social y estructura económica de Teruel y sus comarcas. EL FONDO DE INVERSIONES DE TERUEL. 2009

  • Julio Sánchez Chóliz y Rosa Duarte. Mirando al futuro con esperanza. RIEGOS DEL ALTO ARAGÓN: IMPACTO ECONÓMICO Y SOCIAL 1953-2003. 2006

  • Modelling water resource allocation: a case study on agriculture versus hydropower production. Bielsa, J.; Duarte, R. ECONOMICS OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY IN AGRICULTURE. 2002

  • El Maestrazgo de Teruel. Una aproximación con técnicas input-output. Sánchez Chóliz, Julio ;Duarte Pac, Rosa. LOS RETOS DE TERUEL. JORNADAS SOBRE CAMBIO SOCIAL Y ECONÓMICO. 2000

  • Analysis of water pollution with input-output models. Duarte Pac, Rosa ;Sánchez Chóliz, Julio. APPLIED SCIENCES AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 1998

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