Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

García Palacín, José Ignacio
Departamento: Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales y Fluidos
Área: Mecánica de Fluidos
Centro: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Grupo: T32_23R: Tecnologías Fluidodinámicas
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.
Correo electrónico:
ORCID: 0000-0003-4501-8346

Líneas de investigación
  • Ingenieria mecanica
  • Equipo neumático
  • Válvulas
  • Equipo hidráulico
  • Inyectores
  • Aerodinámica
  • Canales hidráulicos
  • Distribución de agua

Titulaciones universitarias
  • Ingeniero Industrial. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1988

  • Doctor Ingeniero Industrial. Universidad de Zaragoza. 1992


  • Elisabetta Persi; Gabriella Petaccia; Stefano Sibilla; Pilar Brufau; José Ignacio García-Palacin. Experimental dataset and numerical simulation of floating bodies transport in open-channel flow. JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS. 2020. DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2020.029

  • Martínez-Aranda, S.; Fernández-Pato, J.; Caviedes-Voullième, D.; García-Palacín, I.; García-Navarro, P. Towards transient experimental water surfaces: A new benchmark dataset for 2D shallow water solvers. ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.08.013

  • Persi, E.; Petaccia, G.; Sibilla, S.; García-Palacin, J.I.; Brufau, P.; García-Navarro, P. Calibration of a numerical model for the transport of floating wooden debris. E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20184002012

  • Calvo,E.;García,J. A.;Santolaya,J. L.;García,I.;Aísa,L. Periodic structure of the dispersed phase in a forced jet and their effects on the particle dispersion. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2016.02.009

  • Calvo Bernad, E.; García Rodríguez, J.A.; Santolaya Sáenz, J.L.; Aísa Miguel, L.A.; García Palacín, J.I. An accurate quantification of the flow structure along the acoustic signal cycle in a forced two-phase jet. EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES. 2014. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20146702013

  • Calvo, Esteban; García, Juan A.; Santolaya, José Luis; García, J. Ignacio; Aísa, Luis. Measurements about the air motion in an acoustically forced jet: effects of the dispersed phase on the coherent flow structure. EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s00348-013-1635-y

  • Serrano Delgado, Marta; Calvo Bernad, Esteban; García Palacín, J. Ignacio. Cogeneration Process Modelling in a Paper Factory. PROCEDIA ENGINEERING. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2013.08.284

  • Calvo, Esteban; García, Juan A.; Santolaya, José Luis; García, Ignacio; Aísa, Luis. A framework about flow measurements by LDA–PDA as a spatio-temporal average: application to data post-processing. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/23/5/055202

  • Santolaya, J. L.;Aísa, L. A.;Calvo, E.;García, I. ;García, J. A. Analysis by droplet size classes of the liquid flow structure in a pressure swirl hollow cone spray. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING. 2010

  • Calvo, E.;Garcia,J. A.;Garcia,I.;Aisa,L. A. Errors Analysis in the Evaluation of Particle Concentration by PDA on a Turbulent Two-Phase Jet: Application for Cross Section and Transit Time Methods. EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS. 2009

  • Santolaya, J. L.;Aisa,L. A.;Calvo,E.;Garcia,I.;Cerecedo,L. M. Experimental Study of Near-Field Flow Structure in Hollow Cone Pressure Swirl Sprays. JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER. 2007

  • Burguete, J.;Garcia-Navarro,P.;Murillo,J.;Garcia-Palacin,I. Analysis of the Friction Term in the One-Dimensional Shallow-Water Model. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING-ASCE. 2007

  • Aisa, L.;Garcia, J.A.;Cerecedo, L.M.;Garcia Palacin, I.;Calvo, E. Particle concentration and local mass flux measurements in two-phase flows with PDA. Applications to a study on the dispersion of spherical particles in a turbulent air jet. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 2002

  • Nerin, C.;Domeño, C.;Garcia, J. I.;del Alamo, A. Distribution of Pb, V, Cr, Ni, Cd, Cu and Fe in particles formed from the combustion of waste oils. CHEMOSPHERE. 1999

  • Calvo Bernad, E.;García Palacín, J. I.;Aísa Miguel, L. A. Integración de la humidificación en los sistemas dosificadores de oxígeno para uso médico. ANALES DE INGENIERÍA MECÁNICA. 1998

  • Lozano, Antonio ; Barreras, Felix; Yates,A. J. ; Garcia-Palacin, J. I.; Andres, N. Experimental Study of the Near Field of a Breaking Liquid Sheet. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS RESEARCH. 1997

  • Lagranja, J. L.;Garcia Palacin, J. I.;Aisa, L. A. Influence of the Configuration of the Optical Setup on the Characteristics of Doppler Signals in a Dual-Beam Laser Velocimeter - Evolution of Signal Visibility. OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1994


  • Un Estudio de los Modos de Evaluación y su Relación con el Seguimiento de la Asignatura. García Palacín, José Ignacio; García Navarro, Pilar. ACCIONES DE INNOVACIÓN Y MEJORA DE LOS PROCESOS DE APRENDIZAJE. 2013

  • Liquid Flow Structure in Pressure Swirl Sprays: Study of Droplet Collision Phenomena. Santolaya, J. L.; Aísa, L.A.; Calvo, E. ;Cerecedo, L. M.; García, J. A.; García J. I. SPRAYS: TYPES, TECHNOLOGY AND MODELING. 2011

  • Two-dimensional velocity field measurement on a sharp open channel right angle junction by LDV. M.S Eissa; I. García; L. Aísa; J:A. García; E. Calvo. FLUID STRUCTURE INTERACTION II. 2003

  • The velocity field in an air-blasted liquid sheet. Lozano,A. ; García, J.I. ; Barreras,F.; Dopazo, C. LASER TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO FLUID MECHANICS. 2000

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