Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Arenas Busto, Jesús Andrés
Departamento: Departamento de Patología Animal
Área: Sanidad Animal
Centro: Facultad de Veterinaria


Códigos UNESCO
  • Antígenos
  • Anticuerpos
  • Vacunas
  • Bacteriología
  • Procesos microbianos
  • Biología molecular de microorganismos

Tramos de investigación
  • CNEAI research evaluation. 15/11/22. (3)
Categoría profesional: Prof. Titular Univ.
Teléfono fijo: 976762087 84208
Teléfono móvil: 622822369
Correo electrónico:
ORCID: 0000-0002-8134-0693

Líneas de investigación
  • Protozoos patógenos de animales

Titulaciones universitarias
  • Master Universitario en Tecnico en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 2003
  • Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (Advanced Studies Diplome) in Microbiology. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 2002
  • Licenciado en Biología Especialidad Biotecnología (Degree in Biology, specialist in Biotechnology). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 2000

  • Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Microbiología y Parasitología (PhD, program Microbiology). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 2006

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-  2003-2006. PhD in Biology, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain.
-  2002-2003. Specialist course in vaccines at USC (25 ECTS).
-  2001-2003. Master in Prevention of Lab Risks at USC (80 ECTS).
-  2000-2002. Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) in Microbiology at USC.
-  2000-2006. Attendance to a variety of minor courses in Microbiology (x4), informatics (x4) and other technical subjects (x3). 2 specialist courses in applied psychology and working risks (10 ECTS/each) at USC.
-  1995-2000. Degree “Licenciatura” in Biology. (USC), Spain. 
- 2019-now. Assistant Professor. University of Zaragoza (UZ), Spain.
- 2017-2019. Project Leader. Wageningen University Research (WUR), The Netherlands.
- 2007-2019. Contracted Doctor. Utrecht University (UU), The Netherlands.
- 2006-2007. Post-doctoral Fellow. Netherlands Vaccine Institute, The Netherlands.
- 2003-2006. PhD student, USC.
  Research production:  
- 30 Publications.
- 24 research in peer-review scientific in journals such as Trends in Microbiology (IF 11,5), PlosPathogens (IF 8,9), Journal Proteome Research (IF 6,9), Environmental Microbiology (IF 6,2), Virulence (IP 5.5), Molecular Microbiology (IF 5.2), among others. Main author of 17 (14 as first author and 3 as the last author). 15 publications in Q1, of which 6 in D1 (first author of 4, second author of 1). 7 publications in Q2. Corresponding author of 12 publications.
- 6 book chapters, single author of 2. 
- Inventor of 1 international patent for human vaccines.  Ref. 17160604.9  
- 36 National and/or International Conference Communications. The first author of 24, 10 presentations as a speaker, last author of 4. 1 communication awarded as Best scientific contribution being first author.
- 3 personal competitive grants for research from the Spanish government, involving DEA, PhD and Postdoc.
- Participation in 10 Funded Research Projects/contracts. 5 projects funded by international companies / institutions and 5 projects by official competitive grant agencies. Remarkably, work Package Leader (WP4), Lead beneficiary and member of Project Management team of the European Project PIGSs (H2020-RUR-2016-1, assigned Budget: €799.000, Total Budget: € 4.998.103), among others.
- 2 6-years research trajectory (Goberment of Aragón)

Other merits:
- Personal invitations to scientific seminars (x6).
- Supervision of 30 Research projects to National/ International Bachelor (or grado / licenciatura) students (x13), Master students (x12), Fellow researchers / postdocs (x5), and technical students (x2). Research projects involved from 16 ECTS to 60 ECTS. 1 TFG.
- Reviewer for scientific journals (x18) (56 reviews) such as PlosOne (x12), Proteomics (x1), BMC Microbiology (x9), ScienceReports (x1), among others. All upon invitation.
- Dissemination activities for Newspapers and interviews (x5)
- Member of Assessment Committee for research Projects (IberCaja, x2) and external reviewer for PhD (Universidad da Coruna, x1).
-  Contribution to organization of 1 congress for the Spanish Society of Microbiology.
  Teaching Activities :
-  2019/2020 Participation in 4 Innovation Docent Projects at UZ, being the coordinator of one.
-  2003-2020. Lectures (606 h) and practical courses (580 h) to BsC and MsC students in different Universities USC, UU and UZ in official courses related to Microbiology, Immunology and Biotechnology.

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