Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Ruiz Pesini, Eduardo
Departamento: Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Celular
Área: Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Centro: Facultad de Veterinaria

Grupo: B33_23R: Biogénesis y Patología Mitocondrial
Categoría profesional: Cated. Universidad

  • Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular



  • Bayona-Bafaluy, Pilar; Sanz-Pons, Javier; Esteban, Olivia; Bueno-Borghi, Luca; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Risk Factors Associated With Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy due to Rare Mutations in Mitochondrial DNA-Encoded Respiratory Complex I Subunits. CLINICAL GENETICS. 2024. DOI: 10.1111/cge.14683

  • Emperador, Sonia; Habbane, Mouna; López-Gallardo, Ester; del Rio, Alejandro; Llobet, Laura; Mateo, Javier; Sanz-López, Ana María; Fernández-García, María José; Sánchez-Tocino, Hortensia; Benbunan-Ferreiro, Sol; Calabuig-Goena, María; Narvaez-Palazón, Carlos; Fernández-Vega, Beatriz; González-Iglesias, Hector; Urreizti, Roser; Artuch, Rafael; Pacheu-Grau, David; Bayona-Bafaluy, Pilar; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Identification and characterization of a new pathologic mutation in a large Leber hereditary optic neuropathy pedigree. ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES. 2024. DOI: 10.1186/s13023-024-03165-2

  • Segura-Chávez, Darwin; Torres-Ramírez, Luis; Emperador-Ortiz, Sonia; Vélez-Rojas, Miriam; Flores-Mendoza, Martha; Cosentino-Esquerre, Carlos; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Montoya-Villarroya, Julio. Síndrome de Leigh de inicio adulto, con epilepsia mioclónica progresiva, asociado a la mutación m.14487T>C: reporte de caso. NEUROLOGICA ARGENTINA. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuarg.2022.07.003

  • Ruiz Pesini, Eduardo; Bayona Bafaluy, María Pilar; Sanclemente, Teresa; Puzo, José; Montoya, Julio; Pacheu Grau, David. Mitochondrial genetic background may impact statins side effects and atherosclerosis development in familial hypercholesterolemia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/ijms24010471

  • Gaudó, Paula; de Tomás-Mateo, Elena; Garrido-Pérez, Nuria; Santana, Alfredo; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Montoya, Julio; Bayona-Bafaluy, Pilar. ATAD3C regulates ATAD3A assembly and function in the mitochondrial membrane. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2023.12.006

  • Jiménez Salvador, Irene; Meade, Patricia; Iglesias, Eldris; Bayona-Bafaluy, Pilar; Ruiz Pesini, Eduardo. Developmental origins of Parkinson disease: improving the rodent models. AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS. 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2023.101880

  • Monge-Ochoa, Belén; Montoro, Luis; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; López-Pérez, Manuel J.; de Castro, Francisco; Díez-Sánchez, Carmen. m.4216 T > C polymorphism in JT cluster determines a lower pregnancy rate in response to controlled ovarian stimulation treatment. JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS. 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10815-023-02721-2

  • Jou, C.; Nascimento, A.; Codina, A.; Montoya, J.; López-Gallardo, E.; Emperador, S.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Montero, R.; Natera-de Benito, D.; Ortez, C. I.; Márquez, J.; Zelaya, M. V.; Gutiérrez-Mata, A.; Badosa, C.; Carrera-García, L.; Expósito-Escudero, J.; Roldán, M.; Cámara, Y.; Marti, R.; Ferrer, I.; Jiménez-Mallebrera, C.; Artuch, R. Pathological features in paediatric patients with TK2 deficiency. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/ijms231911002

  • Vela-Sebastián, Ana; López-Gallardo, Ester; Emperador, Sonia; Hernández-Ainsa, Carmen; Pacheu-Grau, David; Blanco, Ignacio; Ros, Andrea; Pascual-Benito, Ester; Rabaneda-Lombarte, Neus; Presas-Rodríguez, Silvia; García-Robles, Pilar; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Toxic and nutritional factors trigger Leber hereditary optic neuropathy due to a mitochondrial tRNA mutation. CLINICAL GENETICS. 2022. DOI: 10.1111/cge.14189

  • Hernández-Ainsa, Carmen; Nascimento, Andrés; Jou, Cristina; Artuch, Rafael; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Emperador, Sonia. Generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell line from a compound heterozygous patient in TK2 gene. STEM CELL RESEARCH. 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.scr.2021.102632

  • Bayona-Bafaluy, M. Pilar; López-Gallardo, Ester; Emperador, Sonia; Pacheu-Grau, David; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Is population frequency a useful criterion to assign pathogenicity to newly described mitochondrial DNA variants?. ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES. 2022. DOI: 10.1186/s13023-022-02428-0

  • Hernández-Ainsa, Carmen; López-Gallardo, Ester; García-Jiménez, María Concepción; Climent-Alcalá, Francisco José; Rodríguez-Vigil, Carmen; García Fernández de Villalta, Marta; Artuch, Rafael; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Emperador, Sonia. Development and characterization of cell models harbouring mtDNA deletions for in vitro study of Pearson syndrome. DISEASE MODELS & MECHANISMS. 2022. DOI: 10.1242/dmm.049083

  • Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Garrido-Pérez, N.; Meade, P.; Iglesias, E.; Jiménez-Salvador, I.; Montoya, J.; Martínez-Cué, C.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Down syndrome is an oxidative phosphorylation disorder. REDOX BIOLOGY. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2021.101871

  • Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Oxidative phosphorylation system and cell culture media. TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.tcb.2021.05.003

  • Trifunov S.; Paredes-Fuentes A.J.; Badosa C.; Codina A.; Montoya J.; Ruiz-Pesini E.; Jou C.; Garrabou G.; Grau-Junyent J.M.; Yubero D.; Montero R.; Muchart J.; Ortigoza-Escobar J.D.; O''callaghan M.M.; Nascimento A.; Català A.; Garcia-Cazorla À.; Jimenez-Mallebrera C.; Artuch R. Circulating Cell-Free Mitochondrial DNA in Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Biomarker for Mitochondrial Diseases. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. 2021. DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvab091

  • Ruiz Pesini E.; Montoya Villarroya J.; Pacheu Grau D. Molecular insights into mitochondrial protein translocation and human disease. GENES. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/genes12071031

  • Monge-Ochoa B.; Montoro L.; Gil-Arribas E.; Montoya J.; Ruiz-Pesini E.; López-Pérez M.J.; de Castro F.; Díez-Sánchez C. Variants Ala307Ala and Ser680Ser of 307 and 680 FSHr polymorphisms negatively influence on assisted reproductive techniques outcome and determine high probability of non-pregnancy in Caucasian patients. JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10815-021-02276-0

  • Bellusci, M.; Paredes-Fuentes, A.J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Gómez, B.; Martín, M.A.; Montoya, J.; Artuch, R.; Mitospain Working Group; Emperador Ortiz, Sonia. The genetic landscape of mitochondrial diseases in Spain: A nationwide call. GENES. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/genes12101590

  • Panadés-de Oliveira, Luisa; Montoya, Julio; Emperador, Sonia; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Jericó, Ivonne; Arenas, Joaquín; Hernández-Lain, Aurelio; Blázquez, Alberto; Martín, Miguel Á.; Domínguez-González, Cristina. A novel mutation in the mitochondrial MT-ND5 gene in a family with MELAS. The relevance of genetic analysis on targeted tissues. MITOCHONDRION. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2019.10.001

  • Habbane, M.; Llobet, L.; Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Bárcena, J.E.; Ceberio, L.; Gómez-Díaz, C.; Gort, L.; Artuch, R.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Leigh Syndrome in a Pedigree Harboring the m.1555A>G Mutation in the Mitochondrial 12S rRNA. GENES. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/genes11091007

  • Garrido-Pérez, Nuria; Vela-Sebastián, Ana; López-Gallardo, Ester; Emperador, Sonia; Iglesias, Eldris; Meade, Patricia; Jiménez-Mallebrera, Cecilia; Montoya, Julio; Bayona-Bafaluy, M. Pilar; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction modifies the cell secretome. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/ijms21093374

  • Emperador, Sonia; Garrido-Pérez, Nuria; Amezcua-Gil, Javier; Gaudó, Paula; Andrés-Sanz, Julio Alberto; Yubero, Delia; Fernández-Marmiesse, Ana; O'callaghan, Maria M; Ortigoza-Escobar, Juan D.; Iriondo, Marti; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; García-Cazorla, Angels; Gil-Campos, Mercedes; Artuch, Rafael; Montoya, Julio; Bayona-Bafaluy, María Pilar. Molecular characterization of new FBXL4 mutations in patients with mtDNA depletion syndrome. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS. 2020. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.01300

  • López-Gallardo, Ester; Cammarata-Scalisi, Francisco; Emperador, Sonia; Hernández-Ainsa, Carmen; Habbane, Mouna; Vela-Sebastián, Ana; Bayona-Bafaluy, María Pilar; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Mitochondrial DNA pathogenic mutations in multiple symmetric lipomatosis. CLINICAL GENETICS. 2020. DOI: 10.1111/cge.13701

  • Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Iglesias, E.; López-Gallardo, E.; Emperador, S.; Pacheu-Grau, D.; Labarta, L.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Genetic aspects of the oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction in dilated cardiomyopathy. MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.mrrev.2020.108334

  • Dominguez-Gonzalez, C.; Badosa, C.; Madruga-Garrido, M.; Martí, I.; Paradas, C.; Ortez, C.; Diaz-Manera, J.; Berardo, A.; Alonso-Pérez, J.; Trifunov, S.; Cuadras, D.; Kalko, S.G.; Blázquez-Bermejo, C.; Cámara, Y.; Martí, R.; Mavillard, F.; Martin, M.A.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Villarroya, J.; Montero, R.; Villarroya, F.; Artuch, R.; Hirano, M.; Nascimento, A.; Jimenez-Mallebrera, C. Growth Differentiation Factor 15 is a potential biomarker of therapeutic response for TK2 deficient myopathy. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP). 2020. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-66940-8

  • Saldaña-Martínez, A.; Muñoz, M.D.L.; Pérez-Ramírez, G.; Montiel-Sosa, J.F.; Montoya, J.; Emperador, S.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Cuevas-Covarrubias, S.; López-Valdez, J.; Ramírez, R.G. Whole sequence of the mitochondrial DNA genome of Kearns Sayre Syndrome patients: Identification of deletions and variants. GENE. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2018.11.085

  • Van Bergen, N.J.; Guo, Y.; Rankin, J.; Paczia, N.; Becker-Kettern, J.; Kremer, L.S.; Pyle, A.; Conrotte, J.F.; Ellaway, C.; Procopis, P.; Prelog, K.; Homfray, T.; Baptista, J.; Baple, E.; Wakeling, M.; Massey, S.; Kay, D.P.; Shukla, A.; Girisha, K.M.; Lewis, L.E.S.; Santra, S.; Power, R.; Daubeney, P.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Kovacs-Nagy, R.; Pritsch, M.; Ahting, U.; Thorburn, D.R.; Prokisch, H.; Taylor, R.W.; Christodoulou, J.; Linster, C.L.; Ellard, S.; Hakonarson, H. NAD(P)HX dehydratase (NAXD) deficiency: a novel neurodegenerative disorder exacerbated by febrile illnesses. BRAIN : A JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2019. DOI: 10.1093/brain/awy310

  • Montero, R.; Yubero, D.; Salgado, M.C.; González, M.J.; Campistol, J.; O''callaghan, M.D.M.; Pineda, M.; Delgadillo, V.; Maynou, J.; Fernandez, G.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Meavilla, S.; Neergheen, V.; García-Cazorla, A.; Navas, P.; Hargreaves, I.; Artuch, R. Plasma coenzyme Q10 status is impaired in selected genetic conditions. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP). 2019. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-37542-2

  • Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Esteban, O.; Ascaso, J.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Oxidative phosphorylation inducers fight pathological angiogenesis. DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2019.03.014

  • Emperador, Sonia; López-Gallardo, Ester; Hernández-Ainsa, Carmen; Habbane, Mouna; Montoya, Julio; Bayona-Bafaluy, M. Pilar; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Ketogenic treatment reduces the percentage of a LHON heteroplasmic mutation and increases mtDNA amount of a LHON homoplasmic mutation.. ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES. 2019. DOI: 10.1186/s13023-019-1128-z

  • Pesini, Alba; Iglesias, Eldris; Bayona-Bafaluy, M Pilar; Garrido-Pérez, Nuria; Meade, Patricia; Gaudó, Paula; Jiménez-Salvador, Irene; Andrés-Benito, Pol; Montoya, Julio; Ferrer, Isidro; Pesini, Pedro; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Brain pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis and Alzheimer disease. AGING-US. 2019. DOI: 10.18632/aging.102328

  • Iglesias, Eldris; Bayona-Bafaluy, M. Pilar; Pesini, Alba; Garrido-Pérez, Nuria; Meade, Patricia; Gaudó, Paula; Jiménez-Salvador, Irene; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Uridine Prevents Negative Effects of OXPHOS Xenobiotics on Dopaminergic Neuronal Differentiation. CELLS. 2019. DOI: 10.3390/cells8111407

  • Jou, C.; Ortigoza-Escobar, J.D.; O'callaghan, M.M.; Nascimento, A.; Darling, A.; Pias-Peleteiro, L.; Perez-Duenas, B.; Pineda, M.; Codina, A.; Arjona, C.; Armstrong, J.; Palau, F.; Ribes, A.; Gort, L.; Tort, F.; Navas, P.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Emperador, S.; Lopez-Gallardo, E.; Bayona-Bafaluy, P.; Montero, R.; Jimenez-Mallebrera, C.; Garcia-Cazorla, A.; Montoya, J.; Yubero, D.; Artuch, R. Muscle involvement in a large cohort of pediatric patients with genetic diagnosis of mitochondrial disease. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. 2019

  • Van Bergen, N.J.; Guo, Y.; Rankin, J.; Paczia, N.; Becker-Kettern, J.; Kremer, L.S.; Pyle, A.; Conrotte, J.; Ellaway, C.J.; Procopis, P.; Prelog, K.; Homfray, T.; Baptista, J.; Baple, E.; Wakeling, M.; Massey, S.; Kay, D.P.; Shukla, A.; Girisha, K.M.; Lewis, L.E.S.; Santra, S.D.; Power, R.; Daubeney, P.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Kovacs-Nagy, R.; Pritsch, M.; Ahting, U.; Thorburn, D.R.; Prokisch, H.; Taylor, R.; Christodoulou, J.; Linster, C.; Ellard, S.; Hakonarson, H. NAXDmutations cause a novel neurodegenerative disorder exacerbated by febrile illnesses. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 2019

  • Gaudo, Paula; Emperador, Sonia; Garrido-Perez, Nuria; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Yubero, Delia; Garcia-Cazorla, Angels; Artuch, Rafael; Montoya, Julio; Bayona-Bafaluy, María Pilar. Infectious stress triggers a POLG-related mitochondrial disease. NEUROGENETICS. 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s10048-019-00593-2

  • Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Emperador, S.; López-Gallardo, E.; Hernández-Ainsa, C.; Montoya, J. Increasing mtDNA levels as therapy for mitochondrial optic neuropathies. DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2018.01.031

  • Emperador, S.; Vidal, M.; Hernández-Ainsa, C.; Ruiz-Ruiz, C.; Woods, D.; Morales-Becerra, A.; Arruga, J.; Artuch, R.; López-Gallardo, E.; Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. The decrease in mitochondrial DNA mutation load parallels visual recovery in a Leber hereditary optic neuropathy patient. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE. 2018. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00061

  • Pacheu-Grau, David; Callegari, Sylvie; Emperador, Sonia; Thompson, Kyle; Aich, Abhishek; Topol, Sarah E.; Spencer, Emily G.; Mcfarland, Robert; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Torkamani, Ali; Taylor, Robert W.; Montoya, Julo; Rehling, Peter. Mutations of the mitochondrial carrier translocase channel subunit TIM22 cause early-onset mitochondrial myopathy. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2018. DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddy305

  • Esteban, O.; Ascaso, F.J.; Mateo, J.; Calvo, T.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Effect of mitochondrial haplogroups on ranibizumab response in neovascular age-related macular degeneration patients: a pilot study. ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA. 2018. DOI: 10.1111/aos.13865

  • Cortès-Saladelafont, E.; Molero-Luis, M.; Cuadras, D.; Casado, M.; Armstrong-Morón, J.; Yubero, D.; Montoya, J.; Artuch, R.; García-Cazorla, À.; Ramos, F.; Sierra, C.; Ormazábal, A.; O'callaghan-Gordo, M.; Nascimento-Osorio, A.; Ortez-González, C.I.; Sanmartí-Vilaplana, F.; Fons, C.; González-Álvarez, V.; Pérez-Dueñas, B.; Darling, A.; Ortigoza-Escobar, J.D.; Poo, P.; Duarte, S.; García-Alix, A.; Emperador, S.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in cerebrospinal fluid in neuropaediatric disorders. DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.13746

  • Montoya, J.; Arenas, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Martin-Casanueva, M.A. Las enfermedades raras en las patologías neurometabólicas. ARBOR. 2018. DOI: 10.3989/arbor.2018.789n3003

  • Lorente, L.; Martín, M.M.; López-Gallardo, E.; Ferreres, J.; Solé-Violán, J.; Labarta, L.; Díaz, C.; Jiménez, A.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Lower mitochondrial dysfunction in survivor septic patients with mitochondrial DNA haplogroup JT. ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.eimc.2017.08.011

  • Diaz-Morales, N.; Lopez-Domenech, S.; Iannantuoni, F.; Lopez-Gallardo, E.; Sola, E.; Morillas, C.; Rocha, M.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Victor, V.M. Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup JT is Related to Impaired Glycaemic Control and Renal Function in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. 2018. DOI: 10.3390/jcm7080220

  • López-Gallardo, E.; Emperador, S.; Hernández-Ainsa, C.; Montoya, J.; Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Food derived respiratory complex I inhibitors modify the effect of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy mutations. FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2018.07.014

  • Batllori, M.; Molero-Luis, M.; Ormazabal, A.; Montero, R.; Sierra, C.; Ribes, A.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; O’callaghan, M.; Pias, L.; Nascimento, A.; Palau, F.; Armstrong, J.; Yubero, D.; Ortigoza-Escobar, J.D.; García-Cazorla, A.; Artuch, R. Cerebrospinal fluid monoamines, pterins, and folate in patients with mitochondrial diseases: systematic review and hospital experience. JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10545-018-0224-x

  • Iglesias, E.; Pesini, A.; Garrido-Pérez, N.; Meade, P.; Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Prenatal exposure to oxidative phosphorylation xenobiotics and late-onset Parkinson disease. AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2018.04.006

  • Llobet, L.; Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P.; Pacheu-Grau, D.; Torres-Pérez, E.; Arbones-Mainar, J.M.; Navarro, M.Á.; Gómez-Díaz, C.; Montoya, J.; López-Gallardo, E.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Pharmacologic concentrations of linezolid modify oxidative phosphorylation function and adipocyte secretome. REDOX BIOLOGY. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2017.05.026

  • Emperador, Sonia; Bayona-Bafaluy, M. Pilar.; Fernández-Marmiesse, Ana; Pineda, Mercedes; Felgueroso, Blanca; López-Gallardo, Ester; Artuch, Rafael; Roca, Iria; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Couce, María Luz; Montoya, Julio. Molecular-genetic characterization and rescue of a TSFM mutation causing childhood-onset ataxia and nonobstructive cardiomyopathy. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 2017. DOI: 10.1038/ejhg.2016.124

  • Garrabou, G.; Soriano, À.; Pinós, T.; Casanova-Mollà, J.; Pacheu-Grau, D.; Morén, C.; García-Arumí, E.; Morales, M.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Catalán-Garcia, M.; Milisenda, J.C.; Lozano, E.; Andreu, A.L.; Montoya, J.; Mensa, J.; Cardellacha, F. Influence of mitochondrial genetics on the mitochondrial toxicity of linezolid in blood cells and skin nerve fibers. ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY. 2017. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00542-17

  • Martín Navarro, Antonio; Gaudioso Simón, Andrés; Álvarez Jarreta, Jorge; Montoya, Julio; Mayordomo, Elvira; Ruiz Pesini, Eduardo. Machine learning classifier for identification of damaging missense mutations exclusive to human mitochondrial DNA-encoded polypeptides. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 2017. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-017-1562-7

  • Ortigoza-Escobar,J.;Oyarzabal,A.;Montero,R.;Artuch,R.;Jou,C.;Jiménez,C.;Gort,L.;Briones,P.;Muchart,J.;López-Gallardo,E.;Emperador,S.;Ruiz Pesini,E.;Montoya,J.;Pérez,B.;Rodríguez-Pombo,P.;Pérez-Dueñas,B. Ndufs4 related Leigh syndrome: A case report and review of the literature. MITOCHONDRION. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2016.04.001

  • Montero, R.; Yubero, D.; Villarroya, J.; Henares, D.; Jou, C.; Rodríguez, M.A.; Ramos, F.; Nascimento, A.; Ortez, C.I.; Campistol, J.; Perez-Dueñas, B.; O''callaghan, M.; Pineda, M.; Garcia-Cazorla, A.; Oferil, J.C.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Emperador, S.; Meznaric, M.; Campderros, L.; Kalko, S.G.; Villarroya, F.; Artuch, R.; Jimenez-Mallebrera, C. GDF-15 is elevated in children with mitochondrial diseases and is induced by mitochondrial dysfunction. PLOS ONE. 2016. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148709

  • Lorente,L.;Martín,M. M.;López-Gallardo,E.;Ferreres,J.;Solé-Violán,J.;Labarta,L.;Díaz,C.;Jiménez,A.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. Septic patients with mitochondrial DNA haplogroup JT have higher respiratory complex IV activity and survival rate. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.02.003

  • López-Gallardo, E.; Llobet, L.; Emperador, S.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Effects of tributyltin chloride on cybrids with or without an ATP synthase pathologic mutation. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. 2016. DOI: 10.1289/EHP182

  • Asencio, C.; Rodríguez-Hernandez, M. A.; Briones, P.; Montoya, J.; Cortés, A.; Emperador, S.; Gavil''n, A.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Yubero, D.; Montero, R.; Pineda, M.; O''callaghan, M. M.; Alcázar-Fabra, M.; Salviati, L.; Artuch, R.; Navas, P. Severe encephalopathy associated to pyruvate dehydrogenase mutations and unbalanced coenzyme Q 10 content. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 2016. DOI: 10.1038/ejhg.2015.112

  • Álvarez-Jarreta, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. MEvoLib v1.0: The first molecular evolution library for Python. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-1303-3

  • Bianco, A.; Martínez-Romero, I.; Bisceglia, L.; D''agruma, L.; Favia, P.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Guerriero, S.; Montoya, J.; Petruzzella, V. Mitochondrial DNA copy number differentiates the leber's hereditary optic neuropathy affected individuals from the unaffected mutation carriers. BRAIN : A JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2016. DOI: 10.1093/brain/awv216

  • Yubero, D.;Montero, R.;Martín, M. A.;Montoya, J.;Ribes, A.;Grazina, M.;Trevisson, E.;Rodriguez-Aguilera, J.;Hargreaves, I. P.;Salviati, L.;Navas, P.;Artuch, R.;Jou, C.;Jimenez-Mallebrera, C.;Nascimento, A.;Pérez-Dueñas, B.;Ortez, C.;Ramos, F.;Colomer, J.;O''callaghan, M.;Pineda, M.;García-Cazorla, A.;Espinós, C.;Ruiz, A.;Macaya, A.;Marcé-Grau, A.;Garcia-Villoria, J.;Arias, A.;Emperador, S.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Lopez-Gallardo, E.;Neergheen, V.;Simões, M.;Diogo, L.;Blázquez, A.;González-Quintana, A.;Delmiro, A.;Domínguez-González, C.;Arenas, J.;García-Silva, M. T.;Martín, E.;Quijada, P.;Hernández-Laín, A.;Morán, M.;Rivas Infante, E.;Ávila Polo, R.;Paradas Lópe, C.;Bautista Lorite, J.;Martínez Fernández, E. M.;Cortés, A. B.;Sánchez-Cuesta, A.;Cascajo, M. V.;Alcázar, M.;Brea-Calvo, G. Secondary coenzyme Q10 deficiencies in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and non-OXPHOS disorders. MITOCHONDRION. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2016.06.007

  • Emperador,S.; Pacheu-Grau,D.; Bayona-Bafaluy,M.; Garrido-Pérez,N.; Martín-Navarro,A.; López-Pérez,M. J.; Montoya,J.; Ruiz-Pesini,E. An MRPS12 mutation modifies aminoglycoside sensitivity caused by 12S rRNA mutations. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS. 2015. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00469

  • Llobet, L.; Montoya, J.; López-Gallardo, E.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Side Effects of Culture Media Antibiotics on Cell Differentiation. TISSUE ENGINEERING. PART C METHODS. 2015. DOI: 10.1089/ten.tec.2015.0062

  • Lorente, L.; Martín, M. M.; López-Gallardo, E.; Blanquer, J.; Solé-Violán, J.; Labarta, L.; Díaz, C.; Jiménez, A.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Decrease of oxidative phosphorylation system function in severe septic patients. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2015.05.031

  • Llobet, Laura; Toivonen, Janne M; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; López-Gallardo, Ester. Xenobiotics that affect oxidative phosphorylation alter differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells at concentrations that are found in human blood. DISEASE MODELS & MECHANISMS. 2015. DOI: 10.1242/dmm.021774

  • Kalko, S.G.; Paco, S.; Jou, C.; Rodríguez, M.A.; Meznaric, M.; Rogac, M.; Jekovec-Vrhovsek, M.; Sciacco, M.; Moggio, M.; Fagiolari, G.; de Paepe, B.; de Meirleir, L.; Ferrer, I.; Roig-Quilis, M.; Munell, F.; Montoya, J.; López-Gallardo, E.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Artuch, R.; Montero, R.; Torner, F.; Nascimento, A.; Ortez, C.; Colomer, J.; Jimenez-Mallebrera, C. Transcriptomic profiling of TK2 deficient human skeletal muscle suggests a role for the p53 signalling pathway and identifies growth and differentiation factor-15 as a potential novel biomarker for mitochondrial myopathies. BMC GENOMICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-91

  • Tavira, B.; Gómez, J.; Díaz-Corte, C.; Llobet, L.; Ruiz-Pesini, E.; Ortega, F.; Coto, E. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and risk of new-onset diabetes among tacrolimus-treated renal transplanted patients. GENE. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2014.01.036

  • Pesini, A; Iglesias, E; Garrido, N; Bayona-Bafaluy, Mp; Montoya, J; Ruiz-Pesini, E. OXPHOS, pyrimidine nucleotides, and Alzheimer's disease: a pharmacogenomics approach. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. 2014. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-140384

  • Lorente, L.; Martín, M. M.; López-Gallardo, E.; Iceta, R.; Blanquer, J.; Solé-Violán, J.; Labarta, L.; Díaz, C.; Jiménez, A.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Higher platelet cytochrome oxidase specific activity in surviving than in non-surviving septic patients. CRITICAL CARE. 2014. DOI: 10.1186/cc13956

  • López-Gallardo, Ester; Emperador, Sonia; Solano, Abelardo; Llobet, Laura; Martín-Navarro, Antonio; López-Pérez, Manuel José; Briones, Paz; Pineda, Mercedes; Artuch, Rafael; Barraquer, Elena; Jericó, Ivonne; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo; Montoya, Julio. Expanding the clinical phenotypes of MT-ATP6 mutations. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2014. DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddu339

  • Martínez-Romero, Íñigo; Herrero-Martín, M Dolores; Llobet, Laura; Emperador, Sonia; Martín-Navarro, Antonio; Narberhaus, Bernat; Ascaso, Francisco J; López-Gallardo, Ester; Montoya, Julio; Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. New MT-ND1 pathologic mutation for Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY. 2014. DOI: 10.1111/ceo.12355

  • Montiel-Sosa, J.;Herrero, M. D.;Munoz, M. D. L.;Aguirre-Campa, L.;Pérez-Ramírez, G.;García-Ramírez, R.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Montoya, J. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA in a patient with Kearns-Sayre syndrome containing a novel 7629-bp deletion. MITOCHONDRIAL DNA. 2013. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2012.760550

  • Llobet,L.; Gómez-Durán,A.; Iceta,R.; Iglesias,E.; Montoya,J.; Martín-Martínez,J.; Ara,J. R.; Ruiz-Pesini,E. Stressed cybrids model demyelinated axons in multiple sclerosis. METABOLIC BRAIN DISEASE. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s11011-013-9410-6

  • Lorente, L.; Iceta, R.; Martín, M.M.; López-Gallardo, E.; Solé-Violán, J.; Blanquer, J.; Labarta, L.; Díaz, C.; Borreguero-León, J.M.; Jiménez, A.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Severe Septic Patients with Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup JT Show Higher Survival Rates: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study. PLOS ONE. 2013. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073320

  • Palacín, M.; Coto, E.; Llobet, L.; Pacheu-Grau, D.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. FK506 affects mitochondrial protein synthesis and oxygen consumption in human cells. CELL BIOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s10565-013-9263-0

  • Montero, R.;Grazina, M.;López-Gallardo, E.;Montoya, J.;Briones, P.;Navarro-Sastre, A.;Land, J. M.;Hargreaves, I. P.;Artuch, R.;Del, Mar O.;Jou, C.;Jimenez, C.;Buján, N.;Pineda, M.;García-Cazorla, A.;Nascimento, A.;Perez-Dueñas, B.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Fratter, C.;Salviati, L.;Simões, M.;Mendes, C.;Joãosantos, M.;Diogo, L.;Garcia, P.;Navas, P. Coenzyme Q10 deficiency in mitochondrial DNA depletion syndromes. MITOCHONDRION. 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2013.04.001

  • Pacheu-Grau,D.;Gomez-Duran,A.;Iglesias,E.;Lopez-Gallardo,E.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. Mitochondrial antibiograms in personalized medicine. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2013. DOI: 10.1093/hmg/dds517

  • Pacheu-Grau,D.;Gómez-Durán,A.;López-Gallardo,E.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. Read-through therapy for mitochondrial DNA nonsense mutations. DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2012.04.012

  • Iglesias, E.;Llobet, L.;Pacheu-Grau, D.;Gómez-Durán, A.;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Cybrids for mitochondrial DNA pharmacogenomics. DRUG DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH. 2012. DOI: 10.1002/ddr.21037

  • Pacheu-Grau,D.;Pérez-Delgado,L.;Gómez-Díaz,C.;Fraile-Rodrigo,J.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. Mitochondrial ribosome and Ménière's disease: A pilot study. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY. 2012. DOI: 10.1007/s00405-012-2066-8

  • Gómez-Durán,A.;Pacheu-Grau,D.;Martínez-Romero,T.;López-Gallardo,E.;López-Pérez,M. J.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. Oxidative phosphorylation differences between mitochondrial DNA haplogroups modify the risk of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2012.04.014

  • Del,Mar O.;Emperador,S.;López-Gallardo,E.;Jou,C.;Buján,N.;Montero,R.;Garcia-Cazorla,A.;Gonzaga,D.;Ferrer,I.;Briones,P.;Ruiz-Pesini,E.;Pineda,M.;Artuch,R.;Montoya,J. New mitochondrial DNA mutations in tRNA associated with three severe encephalopamyopathic phenotypes: Neonatal, infantile, and childhood onset. NEUROGENETICS. 2012. DOI: 10.1007/s10048-012-0322-0

  • Álvarez-Jarreta,J.;Mayordomo,E.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. PHYSER: An algorithm to detect sequencing errors from phylogenetic information. ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT AND SOFT COMPUTING. 2012. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28839-5_12

  • Lorente,L.;Martín,M. M.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. The authors reply. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2012. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e318236e341

  • Lorente,L.;Iceta,R.;Martín,M. M.;López-Gallardo,E.;Solé-Violán,J.;Blanquer,J.;Labarta,L.;Díaz,C.;Jiménez,A.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. Survival and mitochondrial function in septic patients according to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. CRITICAL CARE. 2012. DOI: 10.1186/cc11150

  • Tondo,M.;Málaga,I.;O'callaghan,M.;Serrano,M.;Emperador,S.;Ormazabal,A.;Ruiz-Pesini,E.;Montoya,J.;Garcia-Silva,M.;Martin-Hernandez,E.;Garcia-Cazorla,A.;Pineda,M.;Artuch,R. Biochemical parameters to assess choroid plexus dysfunction in Kearns-Sayre syndrome patients. MITOCHONDRION. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2011.06.009

  • Blanco, R.; Mayordomo, E.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Rebooting the human mitochondrial phylogeny: An automated and scalable methodology with expert knowledge. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 2011. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-12-174

  • López-Gallardo,E.;Iceta,R.;Iglesias,E.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. OXPHOS toxicogenomics and Parkinson's disease. MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.mrrev.2011.06.004

  • Pacheu-Grau,D.;Gómez-Durán,A.;López-Gallardo,E.;Pinós,T.;Andreu,A. L.;López-Pérez,M. J.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. 'progress' renders detrimental an ancient mitochondrial DNA genetic variant. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2011. DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddr350

  • Cammarata-Scalisi,F.;López-Gallardo,E.;Emperador,S.;Ruiz-Pesini,E.;Da Silva,G.;Camacho,N.;Montoya,J. Sindrome de Pearson. Reporte de un caso. INVESTIGACION CLINICA. 2011

  • Bayona-Bafaluy, M.;López-Gallardo, E.;Montoya, J. ;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Maternally inherited susceptibility to cancer. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2010.08.004

  • Gómez-Durán, A.;Pacheu-Grau, D.;López-Pérez, M. J.;Montoya, J. ;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Mitochondrial pharma-Q-genomics: Targeting the OXPHOS cytochrome b. DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2010.11.010

  • Lorente, L.;Martín, M. M.;López-Gallardo, E.;Iceta, R.;Solé-Violán, J.;Blanquer, J.;Labarta, L.;Díaz, C.;Jiménez, A.;Lafuente, N.;Hernández, M.;Méndez, F.;Medina, N.;Ferrer-Agüero, J. M.;Ferreres, J.;Llimiñana, M. C.;Mora, M. L.;Lubillo, S.;Sánchez-Palacios, M.;Montoya, J. ;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Platelet cytochrome c oxidase activity and quantity in septic patients. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2011

  • Blanco, R.; Mayordomo, E.; Montoya, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Rebooting the human mitochondrial phylogeny: an automated and scalable methodology with expert knowledge. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 2011

  • Martínez-Romero, I.;Emperador, S.;Llobet, L.;Montoya, J. ;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Mitogenomics: Recognizing the significance of mitochondrial genomic variation for personalized medicine. CURRENT PHARMACOGENOMICS AND PERSONALIZED MEDICINE. 2011

  • Nogales-Gadea,G.;Pinós,T.;Ruiz,J. R.;Marzo,P. F.;Fiuza-Luces,C.;López-Gallardo,E.;Ruiz-Pesini,E.;Martín,M. A.;Arenas,J.;Morán,M.;Andreu,A. L.;Lucia,A. Are mitochondrial haplogroups associated with elite athletic status? A study on a Spanish cohort. MITOCHONDRION. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2011.08.002

  • Gomez-Duran, A.;Pacheu-Grau, D.;Lopez-Gallardo, E.;Diez-Sanchez, C.;Montoya, J.;Lopez-Perez, M. J. ;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Unmasking the causes of multifactorial disorders: OXPHOS differences between mitochondrial haplogroups. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2010

  • Herrero-Martin, M. D.;Ayuso, T.;Tunon, M. T.;Martin, M. A.;Ruiz-Pesini, E. ;Montoya, J. A MELAS/MERRF phenotype associated with the mitochondrial DNA 5521G>A mutation. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY. 2010

  • Ascaso, F. J.;Lopez-Gallardo, E.;del Prado, E.;Ruiz-Pesini, E. ;Montoya, J. Macular lesion resembling adult-onset vitelliform macular dystrophy in Kearns-Sayre syndrome with multiple mtDNA deletions. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY. 2010

  • Pacheu-Grau, D.;Gmez-Durn, A.;Montoya, J. ;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Influence of mtDNA genetic variation on antibiotic therapy. PHARMACOGENOMICS. 2010

  • Martinez-Redondo, D.;Marcuello, A.;Casajus, J. A.;Ara, I.;Dahmani, Y.;Montoya, J.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Lopez-Perez, M. J. ;Diez-Sanchez, C. Human mitochondrial haplogroup H: The highest VO2max consumer - Is it a paradox?. MITOCHONDRION. 2010

  • Marti, R.;Nascimento, A.;Colomer, J.;Lara, M. C.;Lopez-Gallardo, E.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Montoya, J.;Andreu, A. L.;Briones, P. ;Pineda, M. Hearing Loss in a patient with the myopathic form of mitochondrial dna depletion syndrome and a novel mutation in the tk2 gene. PEDIATRIC RESEARCH. 2010

  • Guevara-Campos, J.;González-Guevara, L.;Briones, P.;López-Gallardo, E.;Bulán, N.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Ramnarine, D. ;Montoya, J. Autism associated to a deficiency of complexes III and IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. INVESTIGACION CLINICA. 2010

  • Pacheu-Grau, D.;Gomez-Duran, A.;Lopez-Perez, M. J.;Montoya, J. ;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Mitochondrial pharmacogenomics: barcode for antibiotic therapy. DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY. 2010

  • Serrano, M.;Garcia-Silva, M. T.;Martin-Hernandez, E.;O'callaghan, M. D. M.;Quijada, P.;Martinez-Aragon, A.;Ormazabal, A.;Blazquez, A.;Martin, M. A.;Briones, P.;Lopez-Gallardo, E.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Montoya, J.;Artuch, R. ;Pineda, M. Kearns-Sayre syndrome: Cerebral folate deficiency, MRI findings and new cerebrospinal fluid biochemical features. MITOCHONDRION. 2010

  • Rhouda, T.;Martinez-Redondo, D.;Gomez-Duran, A.;Elmtili, N.;Idaomar, M.;Diez-Sanchez, C.;Montoya, J.;Jose Lopez-Perez, M.;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Moroccan Mitochondrial Genetic Background Suggests Prehistoric Human Migrations Across the Gibraltar Strait. MITOCHONDRION. 2009

  • Potluri, P.;Davila,A.;Ruiz-Pesini,E.;Mishmar,D.;O'hearn,S.;Hancock,S.;Simon,M.;Scheffler,I. A Novel NDUFA1 Mutation Leads to a Progressive Mitochondrial Complex I-Specific Neurodegenerative Disease. MOLECULAR GENETICS AND METABOLISM. 2009

  • Marcuello, A.;Martinez-Redondo, D.;Dahmani, Y.;Casajus, J. A.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Montoya, J.;Lopez-Perez, M. J.;Diez-Sanchez, C. Human Mitochondrial Variants Influence on Oxygen Consumption. MITOCHONDRION. 2009

  • Lopez-Gallardo, E.;Lopez-Perez,M. J.;Montoya,J.;Ruiz-Pesini,E. CPEO and KSS Differ in the Percentage and Location of the mtDNA Deletion. MITOCHONDRION. 2009

  • Lopez-Gallardo, E.;Solano, A.;Herrero-Martin, M. D.;Martinez-Romero, I.;Castano-Perez, M. D.;Andreu, A. L.;Herrera, A.;Lopez-Perez, M. J.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Montoya, J. NARP Syndrome in a Patient Harbouring an Insertion in the MT-ATP6 Gene that Results in a Truncated Protein. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS. 2009

  • Hendrickson, S. L.;Kingsley, L. A.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Poole, J. C.;Jacobson, L. P.;Palella, F. J.;Bream, J. H.;Wallace, D. C.;O'brien, S. J. Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups Influence Lipoatrophy After Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES. 2009

  • Hendrickson, S. L.;Hutcheson, H. B.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Poole, J. C.;Lautenberger, J.;Sezgin, E.;Kingsley, L.;Goedert, J. J.;Vlahov, D.;Donfield, S.;Wallace, D. C.;O'brien, S. J. Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups Influence AIDS Progression. AIDS (LONDON, ENGLAND). 2008

  • Pello, R.;Martin, M. A.;Carelli, V.;Nijtmans, L. G.;Achilli, A.;Pala, M.;Torroni, A.;Gomez-Duran, A.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Martinuzzi, A.;Smeitink, J. A.;Arenas, J.;Ugalde, C. Mitochondrial DNA Background Modulates the Assembly Kinetics of OXPHOS Complexes in a Cellular Model of Mitochondrial Disease. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2008

  • Ruíz-Pesini E; Díaz-Sánchez C; López-Pérez Mj; Enriquez Ja. The role of the mitochondrion in sperm function. Is there a place for OXPHOS or is this a purely glycolytic process?. CURRENT TOPICS IN DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2007

  • Carod-Artal, F. J.;Herrero, M. D.;Lara, M. C.;Lopez-Gallardo, E.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Marti, R.;Montoya, J. Cognitive Dysfunction and Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism in a Brazilian Patient with Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy and a Novel ECGF1 Mutation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 2007

  • Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Diez-Sanchez,C.;Lopez-Perez,M. J.;Enriquez,J. A. The Role of the Mitochondrion in Sperm Function: Is there a Place for Oxidative Phosphorylation Or is this a Purely Glycolytic Process?. CURRENT TOPICS IN DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2007

  • Delgado Sánchez, R.;Zárate Moysen, A.;Monsalvo Reyes, A.;Herrero, M. D.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;López Pérez, M.;Montoya, J.;Montiel Sosa, F. Encefalomiopatía Mitocondrial, Acidosis Láctica y Accidentes Cerebrovasculares (MELAS) Con La Mutación A3243G En El Gen ARNtLeu(UUR) Del ADNmt En El Haplogrupo B2 Nativo Americano. REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA. 2007


  • Montoya,Julio;Lopez Perez,Manuel J.;Ruiz Pesini,Eduardo. Mitochondrial DNA transcription and diseases: Past, present and future. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS. 2006

  • Dahmany, Y;Marcuello, A;Montiel-Sosa, F.J;Montoya, J;Diez-Sanchez, C;Lopez-Perez, M.J;Ruiz-Pesini, E. Mitochondrial lineages distribution in the Spanish population: Anticipating association studies. ANALES DE LA REAL ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE MEDICINA, MADRID. 2006

  • Dahmany, Yahya;Marcuello, Ana;Montiel-Sosa, Francisco Jos;Montoya, Julio;Dez-Snchez, Carmen;Lpez-Prez, Jos;Ruiz-Pesini, Eduardo. Distribución de líneas mitocondriales en la población española: anticipándonos a los estudios de asociación. ANALES DE LA REAL ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE MEDICINA, MADRID. 2006

  • Ruiz-Pesini, E;Lpez Gallardo, E;Dahmani, Y;Herrero, Md;Solano, A;Diez Snchez, C;Lpez Prez, M;Montoya, J. Enfermedades del sistema de fosforilación oxidativa mitocondrial humano. REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA. 2006

  • Ruiz-Pesini, E;Lopez-Gallardo, E;Dahmani, Y;Herrero, M.D;Solano, A;Diez-Sanchez, C;Lopez-Perez, M;Montoya, J. Diseases of the human mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system. REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA. 2006

  • Ruiz-Pesini,E.;Wallace,D. C. Evidence for adaptive selection acting on the tRNA and rRNA genes of human mitochondrial DNA. HUMAN MUTATION. 2006

  • Montiel Sosa, Francisco;Ruiz Pesini, Eduardo;Enriquez, Jose Antonio;Marcuello, Ana;Diez Sanchez, Can Nen;Montoya, Julio;Wallace, Douglas C;Lopez Perez, Manuel Jose. Differences of sperm motility in mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U sublineages. GENE. 2006

  • Diez Sanchez, C.;Ruiz Pesini, E.;Lapeña, A. C.;Montoya, J.;Perez Martos, A.;Enriquez, J. A.;Lopez Perez, M. J. Mitochondrial Dna Content of Human Spermatozoa. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. 2003. DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod.102.005140

  • Diez-Sanchez, C.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Montoya, J.;Perez-Martos, A.;Enriquez, J. A.;Lopez-Perez, M. J. Mitochondria From Ejaculated Human Spermatozoa Do Not Synthesize Proteins. FEBS LETTERS. 2003. DOI: 10.1016/S0014-5793(03)01013-5

  • Ruiz Pesini, E.; Alvarez, E.; Enriquez, J. A.; Lopez Perez, M. J. Association between seminal plasma carnitine and sperm mitochondrial enzymatic activities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2001. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2001.00311.x

  • Ruiz Pesini, E.; Lapeña, A. C; Diez Sanchez, C.; Perez Martos, A.; Montoya, J.; Alvarez, E.; Diaz, M.; Urries, A.; Montoro, L.; Lopez Perez, M. J; Enriquez, J. A. Human mtDNA haplogroups associated with high or reduced spermatozoa motility. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 2000

  • Montiel Sosa, J. F;Ruiz Pesini, E.;Montoya, J.;Roncales, P.;Lopez Perez, M. J;Perez Martos, A. Direct and highly species-specific detection of pork meat and fat in meat products by PCR amplification of mitochondrial DNA. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY. 2000

  • Ruiz Pesini, E.; Lapeña, A.C.; Diez, C.; Alvarez, E.; Enriquez, J. A.; Lopez Perez, M.J. Seminal quality correlates with mitochondrial functionality. CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA. 2000


  • Molina, J. A.;Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Jimenez-Jimenez, F. J.;Lopez-Perez, M. J.;Alvarez, E.;Berbel, A.;Orti-Pareja, M.;Zurdo, M.;Tallon-Barranco, A.;de Bustos, F.;Arenas, J. Respiratory chain enzyme activities in spermatozoa from untreated Parkinson's disease patients. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION. 1999

  • Ruiz-Pesini, E.;Diez, C.;Lapena, A. C.;Perez-Martos, A.;Montoya, J.;Alvarez, E.;Arenas, J.;Lopez-Perez, M. J. Correlation of sperm motility with mitochondrial enzymatic activities. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. 1998


  • Ascaso, F.; Esteban, O.; Montoya, J.; Montes, P.; Mateo, J.; Lara, J.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Association between mitochondrial haplogroups and ranibizumab response in neovascular age-related macular degeneration. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 2019

  • Esteban, O.; Ascaso, F.J.; Lopez, I.; Marco, S.; Montes, P.; Karlsruher, G.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. Influence of mitochondrial haplogroups in response to ranibizumab teraphy in neovascular age-related macular degeneration. ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA. 2019. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2019.5171

  • Gomez-Duran, A.; Xu, Y.; Golder, Z.; Hudson, G.; Santibanez-Koref, M.; Ruiz-Pesine, E.; Chinnery, P.F. mtDNA polymorphic variants as metabolic hubs. NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/S0960-8966(18)30397-3

  • O'callaghan, M;Pineda, M;Montero, R;Artuch, R;Vilaseca, M.A;Ruiz-Pesini, E;Montoya, J. Mitochondrial A3243G mutation load in different samples in a family affected of melas. MITOCHONDRION. 2010

  • Pacheu Grau, David; Gómez Durán, Aurora; Pérez Delgado, Laura; Gómez Díez, Covadonga; Pérez Pérez, Ml; Anguas Gracia, Ana; Montoya Villarroya, Julio; Ruiz Pesini, Eduardo. La enfermedad de Meniere. ¿Existe una implicación mitocondrial?. ARCHIVOS DE LA FACULTAD DE MEDICINA DE ZARAGOZA. 2009

  • Lopez Perez, M.;Montiel Sosa, F.;Ruiz Pesini, E.;Enriquez, J.;Marcuello, A.;Diez Sanchez, C.;Montoya, J.;Wallace, D. Mitochondrial DNA adaptative mutations affect sperm motility and latitude distribution. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS. 2004


  • Enfermedades mitocondriales: alteración del ADN mitocondrial, déficits bioquímicos de la cadena respiratoria y enfermedades de la fosforilación oxidativa Montoya, J.; Emperador, S.; López-Gallardo, E.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. MANUAL DE MEDICINA PERINATAL: ESTUDIO DE LOS ERRORES CONGÉNITOS DEL METABOLISMO EN EL LABORATORIO CLÍNICO. 2014

  • J. Montoya Villarroya, S. Emperador Ortiz, E. López-Gallardo, E. Ruiz-Pesini. Diagnóstico genético de enfermedades metabólicas producidas por alteración del ADN mitocondrial. DIAGNÓSTICO Y TRATAMIENTO DE LAS ENFERMEDADES METABÓLICAS HEREDITARIAS [4ª ED.]. 2014

  • Efecto de las variantes genéticas poblacionales del ADN mitocondrial en la susceptibilidad al cáncer. María Pilar Bayona-Bafaluy; Julio Montoya; Eduardo Ruiz-Pesini. MONOGRAFÍA XXXVI: SISTEMA MITOCONDRIAL: UN RETO EN LA MEDICINA HUMANA 2012

  • Enfermedades del ADN mitocondrial. Montoya, J.; López-Gallardo, E.; Emperador, S.; Ruiz-Pesini, E. SISTEMA MITOCONDRIAL: UN RETO EN LA MEDICINA HUMANA. 2012

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