Perfil (CV) del personal docente investigador

Bernal Ruiz, Carlos
Departamento: Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y Comunicaciones
Área: Tecnología Electrónica
Centro: Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Grupo: T23_23R: Electrónica de Potencia y Microelectrónica

Tramos de investigación
  • CNEAI agreement periods of research evaluation. 27/06/23
  • CNEAI agreement periods of research evaluation. 19/06/17
  • CNEAI agreement periods of research evaluation. 08/06/09
Categoría profesional: Profesor contratado doctor

  • Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Electrónica
Teléfono fijo: 976105590
Correo electrónico:
ORCID: 0000-0001-9334-4870
Carlos Bernal is Associate Professor of the Dept of Electronic Engineering and Communitations of the University of Zaragoza, where he has held an intense teaching activity (> 6.000 hours). Initially he worked in the RF transmission industry, occupying the position of responsible in the factory of new developments (1995-2001). Since 2002 he has been teaching Analog Electronics, Power Electronics, Radiofrequency and Communications in various degrees from EUITIZ, CPS and ENIA, and is therefore co-responsible for the training of more than 2.500 electronics specialists. Since 2008 he has been involved in the management of the Degree in Telecommunication Technologies and Services and in the Master of Research in Electronic Engineering, especially in the aspect of adapting new subjects to the EHEA. He is a member of the board at University of Zaragoza EINA (>12 years)

Carlos Bernal has contributed in 75 research projects (34 competitive public calls and 42 research private funded contracts). He has been a full member of the consolidated group DGA-GEPM since its inception and is active in the field of power electronics with joint research with companies such as BSH, Philips Power Solutions, GM, Motorola, EdP, ELT, Mitusbishi, Infineon, Denso,Toyota or Siemens.He has also been a principal investigator in 14 research projects with an overal budget of > 2.5M€. He is advisor in the evaluation of R&D projects in his field.

In his facet of transference he is inventor of several patents with several companies (17), between the basic ones and those extended to countries like Germany, United States or China. Most of the inventions are currently in production, especially those related to the design of more efficient converters. He is also the author of 132 scientific contributions to conferences and journals, including IEEE (MTT, APEC, ISEC, ISCAS). With 91 conference papers.

He is author of 42 journal papers, mostly in relevant positions of JCR international journals ranks. Journals include the Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT), IEEE transactions on Power Electronics (TPEL), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), Journal of Power Sources or Energies. He has also been a reviewer since 2004 of several journals and conferences comittes, On the IEEE and others (Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Transactions on MTT, Transactions on Power Electronics, Transactions on Circuits and Systems, APEC or ISIE). He has also received the mention of the BSH Innovation Award twice. Now it has recognized several sexenios of investigation (CNEAI 2, ACPUA 3) and autonomic grants. He has directed more than 99 academic projects (50 PFC, 17 TFG and 22 TFM), most of those related to research and development in electronic and systems stand out. He has advised two doctoral PhD's and is currently directing six additional PhDs in the research group.

Since 8 July 2012, he has been a co-founder and technical advisor of the Spin-Off EPIC POWER CONVERTERS, SL, which has received numerous national and interna. awards (13 in the period 2014 to 2018), is dedicated to efficient conversion oriented to saving of energy and which is part of the Spin-Off program of the University of Zaragoza. EPIC has raised an overall turn-over of more than 1M€/yr. Has been awarded with a Fullbright grant from the Department of State (USA) in 2017 and has received donating fundings from the Mitsubishi Research Laboratories MERL, in the MIT consortium.

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